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57% (of Americans) believe in the devil

Alan C.

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57% believe in the devil, 72% for blacks, 61% for women


...57 percent believe the devil lurks; 72 percent for African Americans and 61 percent for women. Republicans said the devil exists more than Democrats, 65 percent to 55 percent.

The poll coincides with terrible headlines again filled with disasters, killings and reports that the new Pope Francis is obsessed with the devil and exorcisms.

At least 42 percent believe people are occasionally possessed by the devil and a full majority, 51 percent, said people can be possessed by the devil “or some other evil spirit.”

Naturally that leads people to consider exorcism. YouGov found in its survey of 1,000 that 46 percent believe in the power of exorcism, while just 19 percent don’t.

But it is mostly a Christian fear. While eight in 10 Christians believe in the devil, just 25 percent of Muslims and 17 percent of Jews do.


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Oh my... Quite scary reading this.


Unfortunately, the atheistic liberals are more likely to see this as a moment to bash Republicans than be horrified at their at the Democrat statistic. I base this on my experience on forums where when any study comes out and the conservative comes in last, that all of the focus in on that, as opposed to the close second by the liberal group.

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Guest darkskyabove

57% believe in the devil, 72% for blacks, 61% for women


And people still wonder why I'll have nothing to do with them!


If you believe imaginary things to be true; if you believe your personal bias has any relevance to me, or, anyone else; if you believe you have the "right" to tell others how to act, think, and feel; if you believe that you are "special"; my advice is:


Some say the end is near.

Some say we'll see armageddon soon.

I certainly hope we will cause

I sure could use a vacation from this

Silly shit, stupid shit...


One great big festering neon distraction,

I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Learn to swim.


- "Aenima", Tool, Aenima, 1996, Zoo Entertainment.

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