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Mind droppings of an insane sane hacker.


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If you learn enough about society you're bound to become an outcast. When you can't unlearn what's been learned ignorance will seem blissful.

Reality is an illusion, reality shows doubly so.


If you get noticed by the Zombies, they will eat your flesh and bones, and then force you to do their bidding.

What your Country can do for you is the wrong fucking question. What is a country and why do I even need one?


How can you tell if someone is actually speaking French? If the words "excuse my french" are mentioned, what follows is certainly no French.


If you have the flu, blaming the headache solves nothing, the time spent complaining could be better spent finding a cure for the virus.


the simple is complex


Clean coal... is that like clean dog shit?


Answer me this Atheists, If God doesn't exist, who invented grilled cheese sandwich?


To-Do list: Make a short To-Do list.


The more you know about the Universe, less sense it makes.


Operators are standing by? Shouldn't they be getting work done instead?


Nowadays it's fashionable to be a narcissist, they even invented a new word for it, it's called metrosexual.


Be the code you want to see in the fork.


If it's possible to travel back in time, why don't we see people from the future? Probably because there are no people in the future.

Obama: The military spends 8 times the educations budget, as a Nobel winner, how will you change focus from war to education?

Romney: Wars and poverty kill millions of children and pregnant women, are you pro-life on the issues of war and poverty?

Patents are to innovation as castration is to sex.

Are you some kind of idiot? No, I'm many kinds of idiot.

The only rule in life, is that rules change.

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