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VPN, encryption and anonymity online


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i have been looking into Paul Rosenburg's (he was at some speaking engagement where stef went once time) program suite for encryption called "cryptohippie".  I saw a writeup he did on dailyanarchist.com.  It's expensive to purchase, but gives you a solid vpn with exit nodes in panama and other countries with more privacy protections.  Your phone and web connections will be gibberish to your isp.  Since he is an entrepreneur who has personal leanings toward the libertarian/anarchist movement, it seems he could be trusted ethically for selling the real deal.  I haven't committed to buying it yet, but i am leaning that way. 


What do you guys think?  ..about this company and whether their is an even better option.

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If your anonymity is a life and death issue, don't trust anyone, companies can be bought by surveillance agencies, in fact, that happens quite often, and when a company can't be bought, it still can be hacked into and monitored, or forced to comply.


If you don't want the Zombies to get to you, try not doing anything illegal, and try to not be noticed, some people have an ego so big, that they always end up receiving unwanted attention.


There's a site with tutorials on every aspect of online privacy, but could not find it, I can get back to you with a link though.

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If this is something you are going to get into for yourself, a good place to start is the CryptoParty Handbook. From there you can look more into a specific area. Using many redundant methods for hiding information would be the only way to ensure security, and even then it is not completely ensured. It is a large opportunity cost to learn and use cryptography, so make sure it is worth it to you to do it. Often, it becomes easier to assume online activity is monitored fully than to try all of these methods to hide it.

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Way too expensive. You can get vpn services with servers in a variety of countries which don't even keep log files for around $80 a year (some of them even accept bitcoin!). Of course if you don't particularly care about speed and only want to use something free for occassional traffic you can just use the (tor network).


(Here) is a list of vpn providers that take anonymity seriously. I like IVPN and Privacy.io but definitely do your own research. I would definitely recommend looking at Tor first because it is completely free so there's no risk to try it out.



Edit: Bleh just had to edit because I forgot to mention that it's not enough to secure your connection with encryption or obscure your location, your browser settings are equally important. Tor has a browser bundle that handles that for you but if you use a VPN I would recommend using extensions like NoScript and AdblockPlus to handle social media trackers, javascript, and cookies that can be used to identify you or your pattern of browsing activity.

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