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Patronizing, ill-informed, offensive feminist blogs/articles


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A friend of mine posted one of these up and it really bothers me reading it


Not sure exactly why, it's interesting ebcause if you agree with what something says you nod along fervently and feel good

if you disagree (or in this case know it's wrong) you have an unpleasant emotional reaction

but I feel like when I'm sure of something at somepoint I should get to the point where I just feel neutral, I know it's incorrect


maybe it's the fact that I never have felt "priveleged" as a male, I got part of my knob cut off and had a pretty horrible upbrining


anyway read and say what you think







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The writer implicitly accuses me of having only impartially earned my property/status, and also of being rude, stupid, and a benighted savage and oppressor.


He is hurling insults at any male reader, left and right.  The article is one thinly veiled barb after another.  He has no earthly idea how I treat women, nor how much I have worked for what I have.  Frankly he should shut up about people he doesn't know.

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It's like every fluff article in every magazine in the checkout line at the grocery store just took a giant dump in my brain.  I clicked on the About Me page of Michael Urbina's site and it was blank.  Then I turned off Safe Mode in my browser and sure enough, there was a picture of a giant pussy there. 


Try reading that list and transpose it onto a different group rather than being male.  Somehow the attributes granted to you by birth are not anything one should be judged by, oh except if you're a white male.  Then oh gee, you better watch your step you were born evil and must REPENT.


All of this bullshit just serves to keep sexism alive, just as people still do with racism.  If you continue to compartmentalize people into groups and make generalized statements about these groups then you aren't making any progress.  You're still not evaluating individual people on their own merits.

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I'm the same way, there was some judge who gave a guy 120 days in jail for calling him a cock.  I just had to go on his facebook page and call him a cock, it felt so fucking good. Then I think about what you're saying, that i should be indifferent to this kind of insanity and being drawn into it is just reflecting my own insanity... or my own anger at insanity.  Its like, now I could see this stupid Judge going to my facebook, finding out who know what and trying some petty shit against me, it is entirely within his nature.

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The writer implicitly accuses me of having only impartially earned my property/status, and also of being rude, stupid, and a benighted savage and oppressor.


He is hurling insults at any male reader, left and right.  The article is one thinly veiled barb after another.  He has no earthly idea how I treat women, nor how much I have worked for what I have.  Frankly he should shut up about people he doesn't know.


Yes, there is nothing worse than a self loathing man which Michael Urbina clearly is.

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I could not keep reading past #9:


Walk on the other side of the street when a woman is walking towards you at night


because that's not at all creepy...


On the plus side, I read about similar rules in... where was that? oh yeah... any Nazi-occupied country

Not sure exactly why, it's interesting ebcause if you agree with what something says you nod along fervently and feel good

if you disagree (or in this case know it's wrong) you have an unpleasant emotional reaction

but I feel like when I'm sure of something at somepoint I should get to the point where I just feel neutral, I know it's incorrect


It is an interesting reaction. I think it is important to be able to filter this type of nonsense before it starts affecting you. There are tonnes of people out there trying to guilt you into submission: from a "homeless" guy on a street to parents to socialists to feminists. No immediate advice on how, but you gotta apply some sort of reasonability test to this type of information - as I said, I stopped reading at #9 of 101, as it appeared quite ridiculous from the start.

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