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Our crisis is a crisis of politics, of economics, of technology or of consciousness?

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I've got to agree with the previous posters, the real crisis is in parent-child relationships.

I think this is why Stefan's approach is so vital to improving the situation. We cannot reform society without reforming the individuals.

Reality, or the realities the individual experiences defines their entire world view and view of themselves.

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This is a very ancient knowledge where the microcosmos, the individual, has to be in harmony so the macrocosmos, the society and environment, can also be harmonious.
It implies there are more relations between the two aspects than we usually think there is. 
The disharmonious individual is therefore a pathogen for his midle.
The parent child crisis is due to the disconnection of man and nature. The adult abusing the children is our reaction of disharmony resulting from our disconnection.
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There are already too many children in the world.



Saying this could be seen as non politically correct, because it seems to many that those who say it are in favor of some kind of control over the people. As we know liberty is a very strong value of our modern world and men want to be free. Or at least think they are
The overpopulation problem is not one of birth control its one of available resources to produce more humans. This is where I think modern technology failed. It produced more food on one side without any thought about the long term side effects that unfolds presently.
Consciousness is  to see in the future the result of our present actions based on the experience of our past ones and those of our parents and ancestors.  There is no use to reinvent the wheel.
We can suspect that this wisdom of experience was forgotten when profit and renown blinded some of us. 
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I'm not saying I'm in favor of any kind of use of force, I just stated my concern with people having children without considering if they are capable of feeding them, or even considering if they have a reason for having children. Surely you would need a very good reason in order to make the most important decision in your life?

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