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Oculus Rift Corrects Man's Stereoblindness

Alan C.

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Oculus Rift Corrects Man's Stereoblindness


The Oculus Rift (OR) is a next-generation, virtual reality (VR) headset which mitigates the problem of latency which has plagued VR headsets for decades. Gamers have been especially interested in this technology because of the immersion that it provides. Also, the OR will be affordable to the average consumer and, like all computer hardware, will get better and more affordable (like tablets and smart phones).


I posted this because it's another example of how the market has achieved something great without force, coercion, threats, expropriation, or the State squandering valuable resources on useless boondoggles. It even potentially spawned a related industry.


Perhaps the technology of the OR might someday be integrated into visual devices like Geordi La Forge's occular implants to help millions of people with various visual impairments.

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Think about how much time and energy and resources this could save humanity.


Imagine being able to work from home, shop from home, socialize etc...


We could cut down on traffic, gas, travel time, etc...




Why can't people see that trade is what FIXES things in the world.

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