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....as seen on facebook... Stefan Molyneux...


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1. Peter Joseph & Stefan Molyneux Debate Sept. 23rd 2013http://youtu.be/jaP2GJvZlWY 

2. Peter Joseph | Post Debate Review http://youtu.be/b4_u7veGPA0

3. Critical Thinking regarding the debate. http://youtu.be/dO1P5wlW-HQ


1. Peter Joseph's Response to Stefan http://youtu.be/ozy52bZ6JTw (50 min)

2. Brandy’s Response to JacobSpinney http://youtu.be/sKpau1Dx6DQ 

3. Peter Joseph's Response to "60 Minutes" http://youtu.be/FEvLJQBYe5k (20 min)

4. Zeitgeist Movement response to Corbett Report's "The Last Word on Utopia"http://youtu.be/_meit1br0H8

Response to - The Last Word On Utopia 
(1of2) http://youtu.be/IMk_fnXGVL4

*** Problems with Capitalism:

1. John Locke & Adam Smith "Private Property" &"Race of Laborers"http://youtu.be/b4JsCEYpIUA video 4 minutes. 

2. Myths of the global market: free markets are often presented as the sole solution to poverty and human development. But the global market is inefficient and life-destructive, writes John McMurtry http://www.newint.org/columns/essays/2007/06/01/essay/

3. The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism http://tinyurl.com/344crg2 


5. The Free Market: No Roots in Adam Smith or the New Dealhttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=402345811555


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