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Anarchism vs Minarchism Debate


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First time posting to this forum!    I have been studying Stef and other anarchist philosophers for several months now and wanted to discuss these principles with someone that didn't agree with the anarchist ideology but understood the principles of the free market.  I scheduled a call with a loyal Ron Paul political activist that leads discussions and organizes rallies in Tennessee.  


Here is a link to download the debate. 


I would really appreciate some feedback on this debate as it was the first time I had said out loud many of these ideas.  From the debate, I realized I need more practice several places... 


1) Explaining that the size of the government doesn't matter, taxation is always immoral

2)  More effectively explaining DRO systems

3) How contracts would be enforced without a central court system

4)   "Law of Constant Dealings" and how it will plays a huge roll in people's decisions

5) The difference between the philosophical understanding of back-assward African countries and anarcho-capitalist societies. 


I definitely need practice, but that is why I am posting. Do me a favor and keep your criticism constructive, but let me know any and all things I need to work on. 


Much appreciated! 

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