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Libertarian Business Resources

Josh F

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I am sorry in advance if this post is under-researched, but I wanted to ask the community what Libertarian specific business resources were available to us.  So I found something called the Founder's Fund, which is a venture capitol firm created by Peter Thiel.  I'd be particularly interested to hear about a business community, online, for entrepreneurs and business owners who don't believe in using the state to dominate the market. 


I've started a business myself and would love to communicate with other people doing similar things.  Let me know what you guys know, any groups or businesses catering to the business needs of the libertarian world. Basically, is there an FDR or business owners? lol

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I do not know of anything in particular. However, I believe Stef has made the offer to businesses or projects who come from FDR to contact Mike at [email protected] and he would give some free publicity to the project.


This is a bit of a vague memory, so I apologize if I was mistaken.


I also would say that most of the people in the entrepreneur side of things aren't big fans of the state anyway and view it as a hindrance. It only becomes a help once you get up to the mega corporation with a lobbying budget. Thus, almost any entrepreneur group should be decent at least from the business side of things, but again I may be wrong.

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