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My wants to start listening. What are some good podcasts to start with.


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Hey guys, a friend of mine heard Stefan on the Joe Rogan podcast and was asking if she should start listening to Stef's podcast. As a long time listener I wasn't sure where she should begin, any ideas?


Naturally I was going to tell her to start from the beginning because those podcasts build the foundation for some of the later discussions. However those tend to be very heavy in their content and there's a big difference when comparing Stef to Joe. Needless to say I don't want to scare this person off. I remember when I started listening to Stef's podcast when I was a hardcore libertarian and some of them were really eye-openingmind-blowing . I'd really like for someone else to have the same experience but I don't want them to be bored if they weren't ready to have someone explain the ins-and-outs of DRO's.


Perhaps some of Stef's interviews might be more of her style? Any ideas on where to begin?

Nooooo! The title should be "My friend*..." how can I fix it?

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Ask her which topics interest her and then point her in that direction. Or just let her loose on the stefbot YT channel. Otherwise the books are probably the best option. On Truth or the anarchy series to begin with perhaps.


To be honest, it's almost impossible to gauge and know what hook a person will respond too, even someone you've known a while. Whilst it might seem like a trawl for a beginner now, once hooked 2,500 podcasts probably wont be enough for them. ;)

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I agree it's almost impossible to know.  Maybe interviews would be the best starting point because then it's not just like it's one lunatic ranting :).  jk stef


But seriously, maybe find a subject she has some interest in whether it is economics, politics, parenting practices, or whatever and then dig up one of Stef's interviews on the subject.


EDIT: the truth about series are good as well.  Maybe the "there will be no economic recovery" video will be a good hook.

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oh look what i've been marking and compilinghttps://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrnjnh2chti3ko/FreeDomainRadio%20Podcasts.xlsxFDR needs a tagging system for each podcast, and filters when navigating. They also need a voting system applied to them.Data for each podcast would include average rating, a histogram view, and volume of listens.Reviews and prices are the two free market mechanisms. Unleash them and let the best podcasts rise to the top. Allow people to comment, and review.This will be good for all of the listeners, as well as Stefan, who can gain better metrics, and adjust and tailor his podcasts.I personally like his prepared, concise ones. They always tend to be better.

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