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Be on the lookout for...Concern Trolls

Guest darkskyabove

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Guest darkskyabove

As referenced in the link I provided in this thread, http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/37282-philosophy-vampires/, there exists a well-disguised type of internet troll: the Concern Troll. This is someone who will post to a forum, claiming agreement with the constituency, while expressing "concern" for certain issues. What their concern turns out to be is a way to insinuate their personal agenda without being quickly recognized as a troll. This has become overtly obvious in the case of the recent TZM fiasco. Suddenly, there are new members, whose only activity is aimed at the Peter Joseph threads (as if by coincidence, yeah right!).


I'm all for giving the benefit of doubt (though I'm far from expert at it), but there comes a time when certain things are obvious, and should be dealt with, not catered to.


I would hope we, as a philosophical community, could work together to minimize the effects of infiltration by the irrational.


The first step is: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. If you even suspect that someone is exhibiting troll behavior, either refrain from interaction, or call them out on it. Being confronted with their behavior is very difficult for a troll. The last thing they will probably do is to sincerely apologize, and explain how their intentions were honorable. Trolls will become highly defensive, and pull out their entire bag of emotional tricks to try steering attention away from their activities.


Have a philosophically valid day!

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As referenced in the link I provided in this thread, http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/37282-philosophy-vampires/, there exists a well-disguised type of internet troll: the Concern Troll. This is someone who will post to a forum, claiming agreement with the constituency, while expressing "concern" for certain issues. What their concern turns out to be is a way to insinuate their personal agenda without being quickly recognized as a troll. This has become overtly obvious in the case of the recent TZM fiasco. Suddenly, there are new members, whose only activity is aimed at the Peter Joseph threads (as if by coincidence, yeah right!).


I'm all for giving the benefit of doubt (though I'm far from expert at it), but there comes a time when certain things are obvious, and should be dealt with, not catered to.


I would hope we, as a philosophical community, could work together to minimize the effects of infiltration by the irrational.


The first step is: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. If you even suspect that someone is exhibiting troll behavior, either refrain from interaction, or call them out on it. Being confronted with their behavior is very difficult for a troll. The last thing they will probably do is to sincerely apologize, and explain how their intentions were honorable. Trolls will become highly defensive, and pull out their entire bag of emotional tricks to try steering attention away from their activities.


Have a philosophically valid day!


Interesting The Zeitgeist Movement implemented a similar policy/ even referenced concerned trolls as such on there old forums. TZM aka Peter started banning individuals who he deemed as not movement members who didn't believe 9/11 was a inside job, NWO, or didn't believe in peak oil.  Troll hunting is like witch hunting, it's futile. They even instituted a public black list of people to ignore.


Be skeptical use logic and reason to figure things our. calling someone a concerned troll is like labeling something a cult, to vague for my taste. I would consider myself a academic troll though I use logic and reason towards unfounded beliefs.


'whose only activity is aimed at the Peter Joseph threads (as if by coincidence, yeah right!)."


Just a FYI I didn't hide my intention my specific intent was to write in topics with Peter Joseph in them i even said so publically in the intro I made. I guess you found out my hidden agenda lmao...


First post on FDR my intentioned exposed o mmyyy


At that I have been writing and observing TVP and TZM for years now my name is The Burger King on skepticproject.com, look it up I've been doing this for a long time now. Every now and then I join a site talking about TVP, TZM, Alex Jones, David Ike, William Cooper etc... and share my knowledge on these places that I have gathered over the years.

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