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Site Idea - The Voluntarium


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Ello ello,


I've been kicking an idea around my head for the past few days and wondered what you peeps thought of it and whether you'd like to join with me to make it a reality.


Enter The Voluntarium


The Voluntarium could be a site similar to Craigslist that is aimed at Voluntarists and those who are rational, peace loving folks. It could be a nice way for stimulating interactions between ourselves in a few different areas:


- Directory of businesses owned by Voluntarists

- Rational dating!

- Meetups

- House shares. Live with other like minded people.

- Jobs

- Meet new friends


Make it our own private slice of the internet! Could either be free or have some kind of subscription model (bitcoin could be cool for that!).


I'm a designer and would love to work with developers and anyone else who might want to be a part of this. What do you think?

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I like your thinking.  I find business tools even more lacking than dating sites for this community.  The philosophy of free markets doesn't mean you have to be an entrepreneur, but we do value ones who engages peacefully in the market.  And statist business owners have so many resources available, the free market has some but very few.  Kickstarter, Venture Capital, etc. 


I'd love an ancap Kickstarter, dedicated to funding projects of liberty. 

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Could an ancap Kickstarter could offer anything more than Kickstarter offers? Isn't Kickstarter, by its nature, already a good example of a voluntary business model?


I agree, it's already a way to decentralize funding and allow individuals to freely transact. It would be nice though to have a place that is frequented by people on the same page.

I've been wanting to start a dating site. I'm a computer science student but I haven't yet taken any web development course . I will next year, but never the less someone has to make it happen

Very cool Ivan :-). Yeah I know, we need to make it happen!

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Could an ancap Kickstarter could offer anything more than Kickstarter offers? Isn't Kickstarter, by its nature, already a good example of a voluntary business model?

yes, it is an excellent tool, but the projects arent philosophically geared towards circumventing the state and the investors aren't libertarians.  I think we could raise a lot of money for a lot of cool projects for our specific goals, our community is large even if it is spread out, with many employed and active participants.  Projects like seasteading, for example.  And nothing says you can't use em both, right?


If this community believes free market solutions are the cure, why not develop specific business tools to help our this specific community?  Make being a libertarian a good business option.

I'm glad you like it.


Now I just need to find a developer to team up with. Do you guys know any good developers on this forum?

not necessary, just install wordpress and buy this theme or one like it:http://themeforest.net/item/sweet-date-more-than-a-wordpress-dating-theme/4994573This entire project could be set up in a few days with less than $100 by just one person. 

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