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Just because the incentives are there to solve a problem doesn't mean it will be solved?

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is my statist's response to the argument


well people want the problem solved that's called a demand so they will  compete to find solutions


" that's just like saying 'it will get solved'  - which is not an answer"


what is your response? I have some I will share but interested to hear from other bright minds

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"bright minds"... unfortunately it looks like I'll be the first to respond.  This reminds me of a phrase I used to use to describe myself, before I leaned anarcho capitalist, "I'm a statue of liberty Democrat, and a John Dillinger Republican".  What I meant by the "John Dillinger Republican", was that it cost more for the FBI to catch Johnny, than he ever stole... So my theory was "If a problem costs more money and effort to solve, than it costs to have... don't bother".


In essence... You can't structure your society around the tiny number of people bent on it's destruction, you have to set it up to benefit the 99.9% of people who just want to make a living, and raise their children.  In doing so, the fringes fall in line naturally through social pressure, or simply constitute a "cost of doing business" which is very manageable.


If the incentives are set up to solve a problem, and it isn't being solved, then humanity, as a whole hasn't figured out how to solve that particular problem yet.  Keep the incentives there, and eventually we will... remove them, or initiate a solution before we know how to solve the problem and you're destined for trouble, in my humble opinion.

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Is the problem different IN KIND to the types of problems that get solved if the incentives are right?  For instance providing cardiology services is a complex thing, but with the right incentives it gets done.  I don't understand how it gets done (I'm still confused about how we make pencils) but it does.  Now is something like the provision of protection services a different KIND of problem than this?  If so why?  They can't just say "You don't know how to solve this problem in a free society, therefore it cannot be solved.".  I don't know how to solve many problems in an unfree society (in fact I know how to solve less than 1% of them) but they get solved.  

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is my statist's response to the argument


well people want the problem solved that's called a demand so they will  compete to find solutions


" that's just like saying 'it will get solved'  - which is not an answer"


what is your response? I have some I will share but interested to hear from other bright minds

When has there been a incentive to do something and it hasn't eventually been done?

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feedback on my response, if you wish


Why do you assume just because there is an incentive to solve a problem it will get solved.

People often behave counter-rationally.


First of all if people are behving counter-rationally then by definition, what is being described as an incentive is not an incentive, it is a disincentive since it is not incentivising anything.


Secondly, if that is true then you cant ave a government because people don't respond to incentives so whatever laws the government passes will ail. What is more people who don't respond to incentives will go into government and act counter-ratonally. Yes, they could be exxperts who know what is best, ut even so, all the counter-rational people who thin they are doing the wrong thing - and who are in the majority  will get up and stand in the way.


Maybe the politicians can sell the case to the counter-rational population.

If no - then government won't be able to solve problems, and making it illegal for people other than the governmen - in the vluntary sector of society - is hardly going to make things better. Now only the government, who can't find the political will, are allowed to solve a problem which the population don't want solved because they are counter-rational.

If yet, and the politicians can sell the case - then clearly there is no need for government as te solution can be solved by community workers, buinesses, entrepreneurs, charities, non-profit organisations, etc.

The government is disincetivised from solving the problem because if they do solve the problem they make themselves redundant because they are no longer needed for their jobs.

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