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6ft 300lb police fears for his life; shoots, kills 12lb dog

Alan C.

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Probation officer fatally shoots 12-pound dog


An Albany woman is demanding answers after a probation officer fatally shot her 12-pound dog on Monday during a visit to her house.

Cherrie Shelton says the officer, who has been to her house on previous occasions to check on her son, was walking to the door when her 2-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, Patches, ran outside barking.When Shelton got to the top of her front steps, she says she saw Patches approaching the officer and began telling him that the dog didn’t bite, but before she knew what was happening the officer had already pulled out his gun and shot the dog.The bullet entered the dog’s left side, exited through her stomach and went into the ground where a hole still remains.Shelton says she immediately began questioning why the officer would shoot such a little dog to which he responded he feared for his life. After being shot, Patches went to the side of the house where she passed away 30 minutes later and Shelton says she’s having a hard time dealing with the loss.According to the report filed with the Albany Police Department, Officer Antoine Jones stands at 6 feet tall and weighs nearly 300 pounds. The responding officer quoted Jones in the report saying, "He stated that he gave the dog verbal commands to get back but the dog continued to come towards him in an aggressive manner so he fired one shot at the dog using his duty weapon."Shelton says she can’t understand why a man of his size would react that way to such a little dog and wants to know why he didn’t make a kicking motion or stomp his foot to show that he didn’t want Patches near him.




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"HE'S HEADED RIGHT FOR US!!!" I'm glad I don't have pets, because their life is forfeit if a cop is within the vicinity.  If you have a dog and a cop ever shows up at your door you better have a kennel on hand to shove him in, preferably a kevlar and steel one.  Anything else and I'll just assume the dog is going to be shot.

Also, I love the soft language, "his duty weapon"  Why isn't it "his assault pistol"?

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Civilization is already crumbled for the most part.  We only have enough civilization to sustain a cancerous growth of statism.  I hope for the day when former cops are sitting in front of someone at a desk, doing a job interview, for a REAL job.  Heck, maybe it will still be in their same line of work as a security guard or something.  But for the first time they will truly have to serve and protect people who need it.  For real this time, not the fake, do-whatever-the-hell-you-want kind.  It will just be a job, like everyone else's.  No extra special privileges.  You will see a "peace officer" and not feel nervous and worried, he will be about as dangerous as the greeter at Wal-Mart.  Even today, if cops were at the same level as firemen it would be a huge improvement.  You know, the guys who only show up when necessary?  You don't have firemen looking over your shoulder with a back pocket full of tickets every time you light your gas grill, turn on the stove, or make a campfire, but you do have cops looming everywhere on the road whenever you drive from point A to point B, eager to take your money.  And a fireman is more likely to put an oxygen mask on your dog's face rather than a bullet in it.

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If DRO's need cops, I think I wouldn't sign up for one with cops unless they are thoroughly tested to have a decent amount of empathy.


From there, the idea that they must provide value to their customers or they will be fired should be enough.


Too often the police force is a way to elevate themselves to gods among ants where they can perform all the sadism they so wish, with the occasional guideline thrown in to make sure things still look good.

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There was a 13(?) year old that had a fake gun this week. Cops drive up and yell "Drop the weapon! as they thought it was a real assault rifle. He turns to figure out what the hell was going on, and he was shot several times as turning towards them could be threatening (when he was directly addressed).


There could be an entire show that produces as much content as Stefan's that could be devoted entirely to police abuses and you would never run out of material.

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