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Looking for some emotional support


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This is my first post here. I am looking for a place where I can post and feel 2 things in particular.


1. Safe - I am pretty emotionally fragile these days. Often feel depressed, discouraged, alone and sometimes suicidal


2. Valued - I have written a huge amount of material which I believe is or can be very helpful to the world, yet I really don't feel valued for my work.


I decided to post here in the parenting section because I have written a lot about parents. I didn't get the emotional support I needed from my parents or FOO - family of origin. Also I believe parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone can ever do.


So I am just going to come right out and ask for some emotional support here. I'd like it if someone would spend some time on my website and give me some encouraging feedback. I've had enough criticism, judging etc to last me for the rest of my life. It has already done me irreperable damage. So please, if you don't have something supportive to say, don't comment.


Later, depending on how this goes I may post again here to try to make a specific contribution in a few areas.


Thank you in advance




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I just want to give you a big hug!  I am also very sensitive and I fully understand the vulnerability that comes with participating in online forums.  It can be really challenging at times.


Your website looks like a great resource and I look forward to spending some time there!

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hi r.


hug accepted. thanks : )




Here is some writing I did about "What is a community"


Here are some questions I would ask before "joining" a "community".


    Does the leader care how I feel?

    Do I feel safe? Valued?

    Do I feel safe to criticize the leader? Disagree? Leave?

    Do I feel safe to express all my feelings? All my thoughts, beliefs?


Read the rest here




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Steve, I would very much like to encourage you to consider that at least part of you sad feelings may be physiological. If you are open to some alt. health, I can suggest several things:


1. sun every day, and if you don't have any--ie you live in Seattle--get lights that are used for people who have light related mood problems

2. exercise

3. niacin. You can take niacinamid which won't cause a flush. All the b viatims are very important for our emotional wellbeing, niacin and b12 especially

4. If you can find a praticioner and have the money I strongly encourage you to try emotional freedom technique, eft. It lifted my daughter's sadness completely off her shoulders in 40 minutes

5. support your thyroid, that is iodine balanced with selenium (brazil nuts), plus tyrosine and zinc.

6. try to get good sleep, and learn how to meditate.


Help yourself rise above your past, if you can. Pls avoid going to anyone who perscribes drugs for depression--that is quackery. Geez, I know too many people struggling with sadness and depression right now. Makes me feel sad, too. Uh-oh...


Best of luck


"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition." Martha Washington


ps if you are interested in more details, let me know...


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