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How I planted a seed of peace in a soon to be new parent


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Horrible ecard. I'd like to hear what others recommend too. All I can think of is to get the best book out there or print out some project no spank pages and talk in person if you can. Avoid facebook comments. Even email unless you have a successful history of communicating effectively in detail with them that way. Tell them you know they're good people and you think they'll be great parents but that this really concerns you. If they are your friends, they will want to hear you out, consider and value your input.


EDIT: Just noticed you included a screenshot of comments... reading now.

I think you did good. I'm so glad people are speaking up like you.


I just feel like it would be more effective in person or at least in private, without the social pressure of abusers and their heckling. Also it would avoid her having to feel uncomfortable for posting something she wasn't really understanding I think. Maybe follow up in private, showing how serious you are about this important topic.

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I live 1000 miles away from where I grew up. It had a lot to do with why my wife and I are peaceful parents. I can imagine how hard it would be to try to raise a child peacefully when your parents or siblings are around spoiling your self-knowledge and commitment to peace. Luckily we only see family once a year, if that and for only a weekend. 


I will follow up with her as she gets further along in the pregnancy. I just ordered P.E.T. and plan on reading through that. Once done with that, I'll recommend it to her. 


I just can't imagine waiting your whole life to meet your child, be there when she/he is born, look them in the eye and promise to protect them and in a few short years feel like you have the right to physically assault them. It's sick. 


By the way, I came across this in the FDR Facebook group and donated right away. If you have  chance, please look it over and consider the same



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The people in the Facebook comments...just...wow. Really stupid. Especially the first one saying that they'd rather be at work and a boring meeting than listen to a simple 20 minute presentation talking about the effects of spanking.

That Daniel guy sounds like a real douche. I love how he really believes the non-spanked kids are the ones who scream in restaurants and...ooooh it's been a long day. Don't know if I want to rant right now.

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I think you did a really good job defending your point. But you should never EVER apologize for your passion.

I hope so...I hope you at least gave them some doubt about their methods.

Also http://www.nospank.net has a 9 page PDF for free, summarizing all the research presented in Stef's video. It would be nice to mass print them and pass 'em around.

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I just private messaged the CNN Opinion article (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/22/opinion/mackenzie-spanking-effects/index.html?hpt=hp_t4) to my High School friend, then started to read it. 


This quote stood out to me:


"Changing people's minds about something they care about by presenting data is a tough thing to do, particularly around something so emotionally laden as spanking"


Hopefully she gets that far into it without dismissing it. 

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