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Feedback on this Ad please!


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I think the text is strong, but has a few flaws.  Here are the notes I made:- I like your emphasis on the word HAPPY in the first paragraph.- I would capitalize "Positive Communication Coach" to make it sound more official- For greater impact I would change          "For example, there are 6 main reasons why people communicate, can you name them?"          to          "For example:  There are 6 main reasons why people communicate.  Can you name them?"- Uncapitalize "themselves" and move the "To" up a line.  In other words:       "And with a little help anyone can learn:"       "- To Assert Themselves better "          becomes       "And with a little help anyone can learn to:"         "- Assert themselves better "          (That way it reads  "anyone can learn to:" "- Assert, - Listen, - Ask, - Say, etc.")- Regarding "Listen in the way that is most helpful to the person talking (not always the same!)"  I'm unclear as to what the "not always the same" refers to?- "or like they're pressure anyone" should be "pressuring"- "Connect with other peoples feelings" should be "people's"- "Have the maximum opportunity of resolving conflicts" I would change to "Have the maximum opportunity to resolve conflicts" or "Have the maximum potential to resolve conflicts" or "Have the best chance to resolve conflicts"- Add "..." in front of "and even start teaching these skills to their friends" (it then becomes "...and even start")- I would omit the extra blank lines before and after the bullet list.  I think it will read fine without the extra lines.  - "I am confident that with 4 sessions anyone can see massive positive changes in their social life, family life, romantic life or work life."  I would remove the word "massive."  No need to over-promise. :)- Keep the blank line before the endorsements -- very effective.- The endorsements themselves are a nice touch.There might be a few other things I would change to make it flow more smoothly, but otherwise I think it's a strong ad -- the structure of it is good, and I found the message to be compelling.(Let me know if you have any questions.)

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Just an aesthetic thing as I looking over the ad. There is a hanging word in the line "- Connect with other peoples feelings in a way that makes them feel understood and cared for " which slightly bugs me. I believe it is generally a rule that hanging words should be avoided whenever possible. 


@luminescent did a much better job than I could with the rest of it. However, that was the one thing I didn't see listed.

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