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Can anyone provide some resources where I can do research to start large scale hydroponics plant to grow food crops?


I am wondering if I can put this idea together whereas I can provide food to local communities, possibly on a not-for-profit basis through hydroponic gardening.

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Check out the 'aquaponics' system curently being developed by Will Allen, founder of Growing Power


From the article:


In certain circles Allen is referred to as the father of "The Good Food Revolution," which is also the title of his 2012 book. In it he recounts a very personal story of reconnecting with the earth — a reconnection he would like to see made across urban America, and especially in African-American communities.

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While not hydroponic-specific, you might also find "underground" greenhouses to be of use, allowing you to grow crops year round with little or no heating.  In such systems, barrels of water are sometimes used to store heat for night time; perhaps the hydroponic reservoir can serve a similar function.

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The cheapest way of doing it is probably with the "deep water culture" technique and florescent grow lights. You won't get great yields that way though.


Typically if you want to do hydroponics right you need a lot of money and it's usually only sustainable for people who are using it to grow marijuana.

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