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Petition to get Stefan Molyneux to take a high dose of Psychedelics


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"I am highly interested in Stefan Molyneux taking a high dose of Psychedelics and then giving us his take on the experience he has. If you agree, post here."


The reasonable interpretation of this is: "If you agree, post your agreement here" rather than "Whatever you post here, I'll pretend that you agree".

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I would like to see the results of a few ayahuasca journeys on Stef


the active ingredient is native to the body - therefor it it not a drug it is a "suppliment"


it also has various health benefits including killing parasites in the digestive tract


the health risks are minimal to none

I would like to see the results of a few ayahuasca journeys on Stef


the active ingredient is native to the body - therefor it it not a drug it is a "suppliment"


it also has various health benefits including killing parasites in the digestive tract


the health risks are minimal to none

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I would like to see the results of a few ayahuasca journeys on Stef


the active ingredient is native to the body - therefor it it not a drug it is a "suppliment"


it also has various health benefits including killing parasites in the digestive tract


the health risks are minimal to none

I would like to see the results of a few ayahuasca journeys on Stef


the active ingredient is native to the body - therefor it it not a drug it is a "suppliment"


it also has various health benefits including killing parasites in the digestive tract


the health risks are minimal to none


Exactly, I don't know why people keep down rating anyone who agrees with Stefan taking psychedelics. It would be a very informative experience for everyone.

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Personally while I would find it 'interesting' and also think that's it's perfectly safe, FDR is not about Stefan Molyneux, it's about achieving an ideal.


Is there any specific question that you believe that requires psychadelics to truthfully answered?

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I am in favor of this. Maybe Rogan can help talk him into it. 

5 dried grams of magic mushrooms or smoke DMT or go to an ayahuasca circle. 

Remember, the state is all imaginary. Those that believe in this fictional entity won't hurt you if they don't know you have these substances. Don't keep them around. Get then take.

I don't think mushrooms are that tightly restricted in Canadia anyway. I know you can order the spores and grow your own batch.

I would pay good money (if I had it) to eat mushrooms with the stefbot.

I would also like to hear Stef do trip evaluations like he does with dream evaluations. I try to evaluate my trips. Sometimes it can take a long time before it comes to me.


Supposedly the subconscious is many thousand times the processing speed of the conscious. Wouldn't you like to be aware of all of it at the same time?


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Guest darkskyabove

To anyone who proposes that someone else experiment with mind-altering chemicals: First, you are a complete waste of organic material. How arrogant are you, that you can glibly claim that others should toy around with powerful substances on your whim. Second, if you can get past the first, then explain your experiences with hallucinogenics, in detail. Then create a logical argument explaining why someone should act on this advice.


Otherwise, shut the hell up, and grow the f*** up!

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To anyone who proposes that someone else experiment with mind-altering chemicals: First, you are a complete waste of organic material. How arrogant are you, that you can glibly claim that others should toy around with powerful substances on your whim. Second, if you can get past the first, then explain your experiences with hallucinogenics, in detail. Then create a logical argument explaining why someone should act on this advice.


Otherwise, shut the hell up, and grow the f*** up!


Are you assuming that a proposition is a should?

I don't believe anybody should take these when he is uncomfortable with it. That could lead to a bad experience. 

Personally while I would find it 'interesting' and also think that's it's perfectly safe, FDR is not about Stefan Molyneux, it's about achieving an ideal.


Is there any specific question that you believe that requires psychadelics to truthfully answered?


I don't know that they are required. I have noticed Stefan come to realizations of things that I could only see on and after psychedelics, so maybe he was able to do it without. I am curious about him trying because I would like to see if he could go deeper into these areas. A few that come to mind are experiencing the present moment and viewing one's own experience as worthy and not seeing our experiences as just an extension of others, dissolving the cultural delusions that we see the world through. It is ones thing to come to an intellectual realization that the state and culture are nonexistent, but it is something else to fully let go of that illusion emotionally. Another thing that comes to me with LSD more than anything else is my suppressed greatness that I am holding back. I get a vision of what I could be if I stop self sabotaging. It give me a direction of things to work on myself.


I think magic mushrooms have helped me read people better. One of the effects of them is a dissolving of emotional filter for other people's emotions. This filter can be useful much of the time so we don't become overwhelmed by others, but it was valuable to go out into public places and feel strongly the emotions of others. I think what is happening here is that our brains can read many faces and body language words, but we don't pay attention to them. Dissolving that filter allows us to read them more clearly. This isn't exactly a pleasant experience. So many people are unhappy that it can be a bit much to be around them.

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Guest darkskyabove

Are you assuming that a proposition is a should?


That depends on how the proposition is framed. But, in general, no, I would not consider a proposal to be a mandate.


Thanks for getting past my anger and presenting something more than the proposition. I still think it's a crappy idea to suggest using psychedelics, and Stefan is on record as having no interest.


You have made a case for why you would use them. Can you make a case for why Stefan, or, anyone else, should try? Without projecting your own experience, as experience will vary. Hint: try re-writing your post without using the word, "I".

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 I think if Stef tried a phsycadelic, i would love to hear about his experience. I think it might open his mind in areas that we are less in touch with otherwise.

Like something not too crazy tho. I would rather have Stef be who he is and show people that you should strive for a life without substances if at all possible.

I do believe that they can be beneficial under the right supervision and guidance. Especially if u have no experience, and don't know what to expect. Should do a little research before trying phsycadelics for sure. You may have an unexpected reaction depending on dose or other variables. I remember the podcast Stef did on drugs, and i admit i thought it was a little silly because he pretended to be high in the beginning

and it's not quite accurate unless u way over did it. I understand where he was coming from and I agree that any drugs misused can certainly screw up the mind.

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Knowledge cannot be gained by any other method than reason. There are no shortcuts. Your rational faculty must be exercised to integrate the facts of reality. Psychedelic drugs interfere with your brain's ability to process reality, and have the potential to leave a permanent detrimental effect on your brain's functionality. There can be no benefit to it, and there is the potential for permanent harm, so it should be avoided.

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That depends on how the proposition is framed. But, in general, no, I would not consider a proposal to be a mandate.


Thanks for getting past my anger and presenting something more than the proposition. I still think it's a crappy idea to suggest using psychedelics, and Stefan is on record as having no interest.


You have made a case for why you would use them. Can you make a case for why Stefan, or, anyone else, should try? Without projecting your own experience, as experience will vary. Hint: try re-writing your post without using the word, "I".



I'm not sure I can make the case for him. I don't know enough about what is going on in his head. If there is something that he wants to figure out about himself, but feels like there is a block, it could help. I'll admit that I like it to satisfy my own selfish curiosity.

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I think people are disgusted with this topic because of its tasteless presentation.  A petition means peer pressure.  I wouldn't have a problem with Stef doing whatever he wants, but I would be a little disappointed if he actually succumbed to this ridiculous petition by this unempathetic person.  Of course, he isn't going to, because he has dealt with the void left by child abuse that seems to fill itself with high risk attempts to please other people. 

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I think people are disgusted with this topic because of its tasteless presentation.  A petition means peer pressure.  I wouldn't have a problem with Stef doing whatever he wants, but I would be a little disappointed if he actually succumbed to this ridiculous petition by this unempathetic person.  Of course, he isn't going to, because he has dealt with the void left by child abuse that seems to fill itself with high risk attempts to please other people. 


I didn't take the petition part of this seriously. Peer pressure is the wrong reason to take psychedelics. Only take them if you feel ready to.

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