brian0918 Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 There has been this trend for quite a while to spread videos of little girls reuniting with their military dads. The reunions are usually staged, with several onlookers, and you can hear all the laughing/crying in the background. I used to react the same way as them to these videos, but now I see them a bit differently. Example: The poor girl was clearly suffering from his absence. And for what did she suffer? Was it a worthy end? And for what purpose did they stage this event and film it? What do others think of this trend? What is fueling it? What do you think about the desire to stage these sorts of events, so that everyone can get in on experiencing the child's emotional overload?
FreedomFanBoy Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 I used to cry watching them. Now I feel disgust at the abandonment of the child and the glory searching and youtube view counts they put at a higher priority than spending the childhood with the child. This behavior is worshiped and praised and the child comes out damaged and alone because of it.
MysterionMuffles Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 It's perpetuating abandon and return psychology. These videos simply have these dads saying, "I'm gonna leave my children for something I think is more important than them; the murder and slaughter of other children overseas. While I'm away, I want my kid(s) missing the shit out of me and wishing they even KNEW who I am and being desparate for my return, for when I do, I get all the love and respect I didn't earn because I've been away on evil business. Plus I want the public to show just how awesome I am as a father for having done this. It looks heroic that I very indirectly protected my children from harm by harming other people overseas. LOOK AT ME, WORLD!!! I love my kid so much to abandon them for a while and use that momentum of missing me against them upon my return!"
Joshua Whitworth Posted October 31, 2013 Posted October 31, 2013 Perfectly said. I remember that same shit happening when I was a kid, but back then, they didn't have youtube. It was just the nature of my father's employment. He wasn't killing people, he worked for Airbus and had to go to France a lot. I never though I should hold it against him though. Should I have? On 10/23/2013 at 4:17 PM, Morse Code Stutters said: It's perpetuating abandon and return psychology. These videos simply have these dads saying, "I'm gonna leave my children for something I think is more important than them; the murder and slaughter of other children overseas. While I'm away, I want my kid(s) missing the shit out of me and wishing they even KNEW who I am and being desparate for my return, for when I do, I get all the love and respect I didn't earn because I've been away on evil business. Plus I want the public to show just how awesome I am as a father for having done this. It looks heroic that I very indirectly protected my children from harm by harming other people overseas. LOOK AT ME, WORLD!!! I love my kid so much to abandon them for a while and use that momentum of missing me against them upon my return!"
Josh F Posted November 1, 2013 Posted November 1, 2013 I am frankly shocked these videos aren't more popular and haven't working their way into politics even more because they're VERY effective forms of propaganda.
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