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Do you have trouble with procrastination? or have you have been describes as lazy?


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OK, I started to check out his website, and I'm feeling really overwhelmed. I think, in his effort to be completely thorough and organized with his guides, he's accomplished the exact opposite. Basically all of the videos I've watched so far place emphasis on reviewing "Lesson 1" of his website. Fair enough. So here is Lesson 1. From what I've gathered, completing Lesson 1 consists in completing the 4 modules that are listed on that page. The first module involves reviewing something about high-functioning families. OK... so I click that link, only to discover that the article about families assumes you're familiar with Lessons 1 through 4. 


Just, what? Every single link on this website is directing me to a different lesson. It's like, to complete Lesson 1, you need to know Lesson 4, and to complete Lesson 4, you need to know Lesson 1. Maybe I'm just completely missing it, here, but I feel so lost. Does anyone have any help or experience navigating this guy's ideas? I may just completely ignore his website and just go through the videos... most of which seem to direct me to Lesson 1.


:ermm:  :blink:  :confused:

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you might just want to get his book "Who's really running you life" it is a bit more managable then his website which, I agree, it quite convoluted


he has updated the website in accordance with feedback suggestions before

so if you have any specific requests for ways to make it more manageable I fully recommend email Pete

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you might just want to get his book "Who's really running you life" it is a bit more managable then his website which, I agree, it quite convoluted


he has updated the website in accordance with feedback suggestions before

so if you have any specific requests for ways to make it more manageable I fully recommend email Pete


Yeah, I may just get his book down the line. Thanks.

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Yeah, I may just get his book down the line. Thanks.


My guess is that he wants you to get familiar with those articles


__ 1-2)  Perspective on high-nurturance (functional) families. Were you raised in one?

__ 1-3)  Review the developmental needs of average young children

__ 1-4)  Preview this perspective on effective parenting (Lesson 6)


Notice that 1-4 says "Preview"... and the article is from lesson 6.

So 1-2 which is the one you talked about is just to give you a prespective, and as you pointed out is from lesson 5


Maybe in lesson one he wants to give you an overview of certain key ideas.

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  I often feel guilt about my procrastination issue. At times its really debilitating and downright scary. As I've been working on figuring myself out

it has occured to me that I need to be engaged in the right way to get motivated to do something. I have failed miserably with sticking to

something if its repetitive, boring, and there's no cause involved or no meaning. I should specify that my biggest issue that I'm refering to is

finding work that i can do steadily to make money. If I find out that there is a child being abused, or there is some evil going on that needs

to be uncovered, my brain will strap itself rite in and start trying to solve the problem staying fixated on the issue until that problem is solved.

So i've been thinking that this must be why i'm procrastinating. It's because i think about the problems that need to be solved that are not trivial.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I get so consumed carrying the big things my brain wants to focus on and im trying to fight it. Not because i want to fight

it, but because i'm too worried about the other stressors like immediate concerns that really need my attention. It's like i'm fighting with

myself everyday bc the major things that are engaging take up so much of my thoughts that the simple stuff is the most difficult. I think that

once i can find something that pays the bills the other little things wont be as hard to do. I have some ideas now, and a better sense of what I

might be able to do well. I'm just now getting a clearer picture. Maybe once I do wat motivates me enuf and is rewarding, meaningful it will help with the other areas as well.         

  i dont know how to fix it, apologies for the messups in my posting

Edited by Sashajade
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  • 2 weeks later...

From my journal:



Listlessness rises out of viewing things as things to be done rather than things to enjoy doing,

As tasks to be completed rather than processes to be experienced


You have to do what you love for no other reason than you love do it, don't be too end-orientated, focus on the experience



Whatever needs to be done

use it

play with it more

Make it fun

Make it into a game



You don't "have" to do anything, you can make decisions on what you wish to do according to what you value.

Saying "I'm going to..." may just add expectations which produce pressure, which puts you off.

Focus on the moment, what are you doing now to make this possible? Don't worry about later.



Stop and ask yourself: Am I centred enough to do this right now?


If not say so


Focus on dealing with that first


Explore why


Play more and you will be,

Make "Let's enjoy it" your life motto,


Approach everything with this attitude whenever you can.


Please tell me your reflections.

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