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Review Request: "The Corporation"

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I remember this movie being enjoyable but lefty, like the conflate capitalism with corporatism like so much from the left



It's been a few years since I saw it and I think it was pre my libertarian days, but the general impression I have is that this is true.  It was good, but it had an agenda.  If you can look past that, there is some interesting information.   The problem is they only have part of the story and so try to derive a conclusion without using all the facts and so the conclusion ends up being not quite correct from what I remember and very unsatisfying.  This is a memory from many years ago, when it first came out I think, so it's a bit hazy.  I think a few left-wing icons such as Michael Moore were featured prominently.  That sort of anarchist, Noam Chomsky also I think.

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Libertarian socialist seems like a contradiction to me.   I was always on the left before I turned to libertarianism and then anarchism but to me neither the right nor the left as they are traditionally described seem compatible with anarchism.  Don't know enough about the history of the term to know if you are correct or not but that's why I describe Chomsky as "sort-of" anarchist.

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My take on this movie is that it starts out well like so many lefty documentaries then devolves into nonsense based around the fallacy of believing that the state is us or for us while also being a tool of corporations. Oh well. What can you expect from these types? Also, they could have easily lopped out at least a half hour or more and not taken any content out. It was lazy editing.

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