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Comrade Russell Brand


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Yea, he occasionally has moments of clarity, particularly towards the end of this interview. But it's testament to the influence of cultural Marxism (and poor parenting) that he considers a socialist authority to be the best step forward.


I'd quite like to hear a critique on it, the good and the bad. If only so that he might get to hear it himself. He's unlikely to do an interview without some special context I think.


Just an aside Masonman, Russell is no longer a drug addict and hasn't been for a number of years.

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He can be pretty eloquent in his delivery, "the disenfranchised, the disillusioned, the despondent..."  That was nice.


Put this through the Ayn Rand meat grinder of Marxist analyst, and you get a lovely entitled sausage on the other end.

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Wow, that man can talk!   I just caught Stef's open letter video to him and had to find the source material.  That would be a very interesting conversation, albeit quite daunting.  He's quite emphatic on the socialism angle.  But he doesn't sound beyond hope.

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I believe he is an editor for the New Statesman now, a British and typically leftist newspaper. I'm not sure how far he would be willing to stray from the expectations of his current employers, but he has come this far criticising the efficacy of voting, so who knows? :)

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Famous people speaking out against "the system" is nothing new, in fact lots of pop start were doing it in the 80s - it was the thing to be doing - I'd like to here someone like Brand or Chris Martin or Bono really put themselves on the line by coming out and saying parents should not hit their kids and should read books on parenting. You see it's easy to criticise politicians because everyone hates them, it's only when you start challenging peoples personal behaviour that you get any real flak for it.

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