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Russell Brand attacked parliamentary democracy on Newsnight recently and told Jeremy Paxman why he doesn't vote. Brands criticisms of the establishment have caused a stir because they are true. The days of party politics enjoying popular support are gone.
But what is to be done? Brand advocates windfall taxes on corporations and an "egalitarian socialist" system but admits he has no idea how that might come about. He seems to think that other people know how to do it.
I'm cynical about this. The left have played all their cards and can only mouth empty rhetoric. Brand is no stranger to profiting from mega corporations either.
In this review I take a deeper look at these issues and Russell Brand.


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Famous people speaking out against "the system" is nothing new, in fact lots of pop start were doing it in the 80s - it was the thing to be doing - I'd like to here someone like Brand or Chris Martin or Bono really put themselves on the line by coming out and saying parents should not hit their kids and should read books on parenting. You see it's easy to criticise politicians because everyone hates them, it's only when you start challenging peoples personal behaviour that you get any real flak for it.

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