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Why are American Christians so insecure?


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Tonight I was thinking about how I got banned from outofthefog.net. It seems the guy who controls it is an Christian, and an American. He seems to feel very threatened by anyone challenging him, his beliefs, his authority, his admins etc. So I started wondering why americans are so insecure. And why Christians are so insecure. 


First, I googled both of those separately. (in quotes to get exact matches only) - I got a lot of results and looked over a few.


The most interesting which jumped out at me was by a guy pastor in the USA who googled "why are christians so ___" then tried it for each letter, a, b, c, etc. His name is daniel threlfall if you want to search it. He seemed pretty sharp for a guy who calls himself a Christian. I was going to email him but I didn't see an email address. And when I looked at his google plus profile I just started feeling too much pain from memories of bad feelings about google in general. So I got out of there.


Then I googled


"Why are American Christians so insecure"


No results.




Another example that people aren't asking the right questions


I don't feel up to writing a lot about this now, but I will say that in my experience of being to about 60 countries around the world, I can say that, in my experience, American Christians are some of the most annoying, insecure, defensive people I have ever met anywhere. And Christians in other countries are less annoying, insecure etc than American ones. So yeah I think there is something kind of unique about people who call themselves Americans and Christians.


They scare me to be very honest. They scare me a lot. I feel unsafe with so many of them around and having so much power and access to deadly weapons.




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Though I have never visted any other countries outside the borders surronding The United States of America, I have a fair amount of general Western culture knowledge within my native homeland of predominent Christian lineage & upbringings; including myself from the past for years as an adolencent.


Obviously, I think this amasses a great concern of childhood trauma embedded within the individual to lash out in response to being challenged. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism or a fight or flight response in atttempts to preserve their own beliefs as being untouched or unaffected in some way because they fear what may happen if their beliefs are proven to be wrong. One of many of which I remember being a Christian was a sense of fear of punishment if I thought otherwise outside the realm of faith, or lack thereof, I thus I had to protect myself from anything that I encountered which evoked that same feeling. So indeed it is seen as an invasive threat to onself, rather than simple dialogue or debate. Of course these people are.. well.. worthless to talk to in any normal fashion.


Moreover, the question remains why is it that there a distinction between Christians of American culture, compared to other Christians living elsewhere. I'm not sure if I can entirely describe that completely accuratly, but I would presume it's because Christianity is more prevalent amongst society here, more than anywhere else. I remember talking to a European once, and said something similar. That the Christians there are far more apathetic if you're gay, atheist, etc.. So clearly the burden of religious extremism is vehemently rampant in the United States of America; which of course subsequently results in the latter; more insecure and defensive traumatized children and later adults that block you on their website for simply challenging them. *haha*

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They are insecure because of the large amount of splitting that occurs. Most understand quite well that they are wrong but are unable to accept it due to the implications it would have on their life and relationships, which creates a fragile persona in this realm. The effect is quite similar Statists.


Christianity has the largest challenge with this because of its "rational" bias because of its philosophical history. So much influence comes in from Greek and Roman philosophy, and many famous philosophers such as Saint Augustine succeeded in bringing the religion into the intellectual sphere. There is more evidence that can be provided, such as the vast wealth of Christians attempting to use science and argumentation to convince others, but I'll leave it at that.

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