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My question is very simple and is written in my topic.  We all know that Obamacare is a catastrophe and State involvement in medical care leads only to rising prices and artificial scarcity of services.  Yet most people won't accept a theoretical argument no matter how sound.  Many people simply want to see a working system before they can accept a proposed economic system or method of delivering healthcare.  


The left cite Canada and Sweden as examples of actually existing single payer medical care systems.  Are there any approximations of free market medical care delivery in any current nation?


If not, in what area of the globe do you believe a person could get the best quality medical services?  Which system is the best?

  • 2 weeks later...



Most appointments are $100 for full 30 minute cleanings/check-ups.


Even majorish surgery with anesthesiologists is only $1000.  My wife had her four wisdom teeth out for $1,200 recently.  Hospital equivalent would've probably been in the neighborhood of $15,000 or more.


They glom on to their customers, insisting that they come back every six months and even borderline harass with calls and post cards.  You never see a doctor do that.


They are also handy with para-professionals, so patients aren't constantly seeing the Dr. herself.


And this is just because it is more free market, they could still do away with licensure and legalize pharma to get the costs even lower. 


I haven't experienced it myself, but I've heard that in the early days of the U.S., back before the Flexnor Report, the AMA, and extensive government regulation of the medical profession, Doctors actually made house calls to better serve their valuable customers. If you coudn't afford to pay cash, you might offer the doctor a chicken for payment.


I've also read that back in the (somewhat)free market days of medicine that many fraternal organizations provided medical care for their members. The fraternal organization(i.e. Elks, Moose, Eagles, etc...) would hire a doctor on a flat salary, and for a small membership fee, members could see the doctor for free when they needed to. Kind of a free market type insurance that worked quite well. I believe the medical cartel lobbied and made this system illegal.

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