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Peter Joseph's fundemental mistake

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One of the fundamental mistakes Peter Joseph and the Zeitgeist movement makes is one most of us free market anarco-capitalists have made in the past as we tried to navigate the Orwellian statist world that misleads those seeking truth. This is not to discount all of what Peter Joseph and the Zeitgeist movement advocate. I'm watching but haven't seen the whole debate yet.


The mistake is the following. He takes as the foundation and definition of ideas and terms about the world the Orwellian double-think that has been perpetuated by the state for decades. In other words he accepts concepts of capitalism, free market, society... that have been distorted by the state as real representations of those terms. Then he tries to "fix" that statist "system" by instituting a new system. Mr. Joseph and the Zeitgeist movement I submit to you that your premise is incorrect. Check your premises.


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