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North Korea Exposes the Western Propaganda.

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First off, sorry if this isn't the right topic to post it in.So i stumpled on this Korean "documentary" in a topic on facebook today.

- I really have no idea what to think about it. Aren't they saying the exact same thing as us?



I don't get it, how can they be a communistic country, when thier seeing through all of the propaganda that the everyone else don't? - I know absolutely nothing about North Korea, all of the information i have, is from what the mainstream spits out, and that's obviously not the truth.


Well ofcause there are some small issues, with the whole loving supreme leader part, and i'm sure that there are other things.

And not to mention the whole capitalism issues.

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I saw this video a while back.  What I think someone should take away from it, is that they have no interest in fawning over the US.  They, in fact, don't like American influence.  RT is a great place to find commentary on Snowden, but that doesn't mean Russia is all about freedom of information, challenging authority, etc.  They throw rocks and harp on the US as a way of propogandizing their people.  It's "look how bad they are!  Do you want someone like this running the world?  Do you want Americans spying on us?"  They're perfectly willing to censor the truth when it's exposing something about them, but when it comes to showing how bad another country is bad, the truth makes for a convincing argument. 


It's just another form of holding truth as the highest standard when it's convienent.  When it's not convienent, bury the truth in a deep dark hole.  It's holding the truth as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. 

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