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Bill Burr talks about "Story of Your Enslavement" on his podcast


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So, I was listening to Bill Burr's Monday Morning podcast in my car tonight, and one of hte listener emails brought up the concept of "Human Farming" and suggested Stefans "Story of your enslavement" video to bill.  I'm not sure how to embed on this forum, but here's the youtube link.  




Bill doesn't sound like he watched the whole video, or got the message at all, because he really had a problem with Stefans tone and how he was communicating the ideas.  His whole rant that he went on really had nothing to do with any of the content in the video, and he mostly seemed to be attacking straw-men.


If you don't know who Bill Burr is, he's a comedian.  One of my personal favorites, actually.  His "Monday Morning" podcast is all about him giving people advice, and in his own words, the joke is that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

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Yeah, he just strawmans, and I think being called arrogant is one of the best compliments because the person saying it doesn't really know they're making a tacit concede. It's like saying "I can't disagree with a word you said BUT I didn't like the way you said it".


Bill Burr is alright, ironically he seems exactly like the type of person that would get into the FDR philosophy.

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He admits straight out that he didn't listen to the whole video.


First of all, the guy narrating it might be the most arrogant...I've ever heard in my life. (0:45).  


^This is what his Youtube response is about.  He was angered by the delivery, but Burr didn't take the time to try to understand the intended message.



The video shows that he clearly has no idea what Stef stands for.  He took a fraction of one video and drew some incorrect conclusions.




First post!  Howdy, all

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I love Bill Burr, and he did cut off the video too soon, and dismissed it mostly because he's a blue collar American turned off by the accent, but I have to say... There is one point at which I completely agree with him.  "Go to a fucking sporting event like I did, and just be stone sober, and just sit around, and look at the fucking people, okay?  Look at the shit they're eating.  Look at the shit they're drinking.  Look at their behavior.  Look at how their clothes are hanging off their fat fucking asses... and I know, the food supply is poisoned, and I know there's a bunch of fucking lies and all that type of shit.  But, is there any effort on the part of that individual?  To try to squeegee in front of their fucking eyes?  Or do they just accept it?  And, if you do just accept it... You know, then... how do I feel bad for you?"


That sounds very anarchist to me.  He's saying, "It ain't happening in my lifetime, so... Fuck you!"  After a few beers, sometimes that's how I feel about anarcho capitalism.  I say that with the deepest love and respect.  I'm converted, I love you all... but a few beers in, as a blue collar laborer myself, sometimes I just have to admit "Fuck these people, they're going to die miserable.  What can I do about it?".


That said, Stefan suggested that "It's not going to happen in my lifetime"... but again... Sober I agree with him. A few beers in, after working at a job I hate... "Well, thanks for being right... I guess"

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