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What are your favorite FDR podcasts?

Kevin Beal

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I thought it might be cool and interesting to see what are people's favorite FDR podcasts and maybe a little blurb about what you like about it. Brownie points for what was the first podcast you had heard ;)


I'll start:


678 - Everything you do is...


The amount of self doubt that I've and so many others experience unnecessarily is it's own tragedy, and this is a very interesting way, I think, to not do that to myself.


356 & 357 - You Are Your Own Proof



Learning to trust my feelings and the power of my unconscious has been crucial for me. I had this idea that if I wasn't consciously working something out from first principles, then it was probably wrong was a hard thing to shake off, and understanding the principle here helped a lot.


234 - Contempt


Contempt is completely underrated. There is a richness to contempt that I appreciate and trust and when people used to constantly tell me that contempt is bad and I shouldn't feel it,... it has always been really irritating to me.


122 - Am I Too Mean?


Something that has also bothered me a lot is this idea that we need to be nice to one another or else we are being immoral or acting out, or it's sadistic or something like that. I'm still working on this, but having this perspective (that I don't remember ever hearing before) has been important for me in the necessary confrontations I've had since.


476 – The Myth of Nice Christians


People who are portrayed as being nice and that you shouldn't criticize them is a big irritation of mine (it looks like I have a theme going here, lol). So to hear arguments like these that cut through that bullshit like warm butter is very much of interest to me.


183 – Freedom Part 4: Parents (and everything!)


Refusing to enable bad people and no longer pretending that there was a real relationship there to begin with when there was none, has been life changing for me. This podcast, On Truth and the But *my* parents were really nice series were the kick in the butt I needed to make one of the most important decisions of my life.


468 – Seeing Through Darkness


Being aware of my own dark side has been crucial for me in taking responsibility for my own hypocrisies.


The first FDR podcast I ever heard was:

1058 – Proof of Anarchy




So, yea. Those are some of my favorites. How 'bout you?

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At this point all the hours, days and weeks of audio I've listened to have become a giant blob in my brain, so it's hard to repepber specific podcasts.


That being said, for some reason, I will never forget this one...


FDR1529 A Goat Named 'Sparkles' - A Conversation

Growing up Gay in a Christian household...


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At this point all the hours, days and weeks of audio I've listened to have become a giant blob in my brain, so it's hard to repepber specific podcasts.


Ha, I know the feeling. Not too mention that I mostly squeezed all my listening hours within a short 4 month stint of non stop stef speak. Now of course, serveral years ago. Gotta be some ramifications for that psychologically. ;)


My favourite was the 'humilation' podcast, that upset a few folk after publication. Can't recall the number now, but very powerful indeed.

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It has changed over time, but I mostly enjoy the things that I am the least familiar with. Namely mecosystem podcasts and dream analysis podcasts.


I agree about the "Stef blur" that is hard to pick them out (and I am still working through the podcasts- about halfway through from the beginning and I've listened to all of the most recent ones for the past year.)


Two recent ones in my historical listening that fit the categories that were really good:


Dream Analysis:

1145 A MUST LISTEN - Falling Stories - A Dream Analysis




1149 Inner Critic: The Role-play


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For sure!  And I'm v grateful for this thread, like xelent only currently, I'm in Stef addiction-mode, around our house it's like non-stop Stef for at least 6 months now I think.  Hubby comes in and out regularly all day on the weeks he works at home, and will listen a bit, maybe comment.  The other day I was listening to something as usual as I work inside and it stopped and I hadn't had a chance to reload another podcast yet and he said, with an air of disappointment, "Oh, is Stef finished?"  I replied, "Don't worry dear, I don't think he's ever finished."



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My favourite was the 'humilation' podcast, that upset a few folk after publication. Can't recall the number now, but very powerful indeed.

You're right. That's a great podcast. The whole insight about humiliation being a universal rule that applies only to you connected a lot of dots for me.


Any other podcasts you'd say are your favorites?

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You're right. That's a great podcast. The whole insight about humiliation being a universal rule that applies only to you connected a lot of dots for me.


Any other podcasts you'd say are your favorites?

Good question, since I haven't really listened to any in quite a while frankly. That one was poignant because I listened to it over and over again. So much so, that I asked my therapist to listen to it. It blew her socks off I recall and she was mostly impressed by Stefan's ability to locate his feelings of anger accurately.


Anyway, I do have a couple. 'How to Kill a human soul' and '349 - You are not Broken'. Cant recall the number of the first one, even after looking for it. But it's the one to do with an invisible apple. Both these podcasts had quite the impact on me I recall.

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I just listened to 335: True Self/False Self and this one really resonates with me when he talks about enthusiasm and how/why people try to sabotage it.  I also thought Stef's gracious acceptance and examination of the criticisms he got in the first segment--I think his name was John--was about the most brilliant piece of modeling in this I've ever seen.  This is why he is where he is, exactly this!

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Thanks guys. I'm re-listening to all of these :)


335 – True Versus False Selves



349 – You Are Not Broken



And I wasn't sure which one of these you (Xelent) were referring to:

70 – How to control a human soul



71 – Culture: How to enslave a human soul


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70 – How to control a human soul



71 – Culture: How to enslave a human soul


And I wasn't sure which one of these you (Xelent) were referring to:

Ah, the podcast about the apple. I think it was 70 as I am pretty sure I found that for xelent the last time he didn't remember which one was the apple podcast.

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It's been all downhill since podcast 70.  Sorry Stef. :)

Lol. Yea, that's my new favorite.


What do you think about maybe re-posting it? Make it a youtube video. Maybe an FDR classics series or something like that? I'm noticing that there are a lot of people who are not aware of these unbelievable gems from the early years, when there used to be the expectation that you listened in order, lol.


Just an idea :)



Also to anyone interested, I have a 142 video long playlist of some of my favorite FDR youtube videos here:


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For sure!  And I'm v grateful for this thread, like xelent only currently, I'm in Stef addiction-mode, around our house it's like non-stop Stef for at least 6 months now I think.  Hubby comes in and out regularly all day on the weeks he works at home, and will listen a bit, maybe comment.  The other day I was listening to something as usual as I work inside and it stopped and I hadn't had a chance to reload another podcast yet and he said, with an air of disappointment, "Oh, is Stef finished?"  I replied, "Don't worry dear, I don't think he's ever finished."



Sometimes I wonder if Stefan talks his sleep. 

It's been all downhill since podcast 70.  Sorry Stef. :)

You better not expect a Christmas bonus or a raise.  :unsure:

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