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On Being Moral with others


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offtopic: how many of you feel empathy when you learn of the casualties of world one, how many of you feel empathy towards the 100s of thousands of children dying of famine. i noticed this lots of times in history classes whenever the talk is on the past, people don't bat an eyelash. Now if you tell them, a nearby school just got annihilated or starved to death, they might feel a bit of empathy.


going back to the main topic. Why do you people act moral with immoral creatures? As long as we understand ethics, as long as we understand more about morality, as long as we look more into self knowledge. i ought to behave in a nice manner with others? others who are immoral, abusive, statists. the irony, is that these people who act like this are materially getting more to fill their twisted egos.


My question is. Once i grasped the concepts that are set in place, why should i ought to act in a universally preferable way? when i feel like acting the opposite way reaps me more. It's like because i can see how immoral some of people's actions are, and because i understand how others who are not necessarily immoral, but support immoral people be it in family, friends, politics, etc. I feel like i ought to act in a structured well thought out way to not get preyed upon, to get the better half of deals, to be independant, to be capable of being a leader of my self first and foremost. Basically, not letting anyone use me or eat some of my rights in scenarios.


I feel that i ought to only act in an excellent fashion with a handful of individuals in life who are high value, true to their selves, act with integrity etc.


if the counter-argument is, if everyone acts like an asshole then yada yada..

don't bother posting premises that are not in accordance with reality.


let me know your thoughts.

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My question is. Once i grasped the concepts that are set in place, why should i ought to act in a universally preferable way? when i feel like acting the opposite way reaps me more


I think that asking this question itself shows that you want to act according to your principles. I can't speak for others but I find that integrity brings more to my life than just acting according to wins/loses. I think you do too, otherwise you wouldn't want to have it in your life in the form of moral persons.


If someone acts like an asshole and they feel good at the end of the day then that's their prerogative. But you are yourself so don't expect to feel as good as other people for acting like an asshole. Have a scientific approach, see which of the two paths makes you happier. When it comes to things like these I find that experience outweighs theory.

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What you've written seems contradictory to me. You only want to act in an excellent fashion with a handful of individuals who are high value, true to themselves, and act with integrity. To me, those people would behave morally with all people, not just a certain type of person. If you only behave morally with these select few, then you are not acting with integrity. By your rules they should treat you as you would treat those without morals, which would in turn make it so you would not want to choose them as your select few individuals. It's important to hold yourself to the same standards of the people you would like to have valuable interactions with. You can still behave in a well thought out way to not get preyed upon and still be moral. You can protect yourself and your rights without infringing on others.



That is my take on it, from my beginner's perspective into morality. What do you think about it, or have I misinterpreted what you've written?

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wonderful post. A few points: it is quite true that it seems or is as a matter of ffact contradictory. So far I don't have anyone in my social circle who i ought to act morally with. Which in turn makes me act on instinctual ethics and getting as much as i can out of life while cutting my losses.

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I think it's best to look within oneself not others when it comes to immoral acts.  Instead of judging others by your certia why not yourself?   It will slowly improve yourself.  Also you feel there is injustice for these people whoever these things happen for a reason.





So far I don't have anyone in my social circle who i ought to act morally with. Which in turn makes me act on instinctual ethics and getting as much as i can out of life while cutting my losses.




And this is why religion exists to guide people.  Orthodox religions teaches true morality as long you continue studying it.


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