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Pissing Away Your Potential


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I'm a good writer.


I have have over 75 published theatre reviews,

and various articles on philosophy published in online mediums as well as a paper that was presented at the conference of The Journal for Applied Philosophy earlier in the year titled On The Abolition of Grades.

In University I wrote a paper on unilateral nuclear disarmament for Nuclear Free Scotland, the official publication for the Scottish CND.

I somehow managed to finish a few short plays as well and have them staged at uni.

I was a good essayist as well and got many A grades for whatever that means.

Perhaps 50 songs over 10 years.

I did a couple of other bits and pieces.



Problem is when it comes to larger projects. How do I finish any of them? I don't.

I procrastinate. Even the above achievements were very hard won.


I know fine well when I start writing I can go and go and go sometimes.


Should I be my best self I could easily write at least 5000 words a day, no problem, and get lots of fulfillment out of it.

In fact, writing is about one of the most fulfilling activities to me the most.


So why is it so difficult to maintain enthusiasm and see projects through?


I have at least 5 books in me at the moment

3 self-help books

1 on being a theatre critic

1 on voluntarist anarchism aimed at the left (something which has never been attempted)

and 1 novel





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Maybe its hard becasue  you have lost interest in what it is you are writing?   Here is my 2 cents.  When I used to write, I wrote from mo soul, doing so, I have met my issues, writing was my way of dealing with those issues, at some point I felt spent, no longer having emotional connection to the topic I would finish it in the seemingly awakward way and go on to anyther. 


If this is your case, then a writing assistant might be your answer, a person to whome you can lay out your thoughts emotional connections, allowing him to connect it all, allowing you to ponder longer to find more connections and more ideas.


Just my 2 cents

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I have/had this problem.


I still don't know why, but I have a couple of ideas. I think identifying the reason of why is important.


I think part of the reason is that I no longer have an ardent passion for my trade. I allowed outside elements to influence my lack of enthusiasm namely past employers. Sometimes I ask myself what is the point because I don't see any value in completing goals that I established for myself. I feel mentally drained and beat down and have reached the point of surrender.


This past week has been different. I have been invigorated and found motivation to complete some tasks and I felt good about doing them. My nephew is visiting from out of town and we've been doing a lot of activities together. I feel that I have to set a good example for his sake and including my own.


I'm not sure what that means.

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