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Deep Self-Work vs. Superficial Problem Solving


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Part one: are popular methods like various exposure and cognitive techniques, "just do it," "use your willpower," "ignore your fear," etc. sufficient when dealing with difficult problems?Part two: a more in-depth look at the incredible value of deep self-work and the enormous complexity of human problems.

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When problems seem superficial, maybe you tackle the wrong problems? When the house is burning you don't ponder on the causes and reflect on them, you fight the fire.

I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I'll say it anyway at the risk of sounding like a wacko. If I am cooking food on the stove top and it is beginning to burn, it would be kind of ridiculous for me to fight the fire to stop my food from burning when I can just turn the knob to shut the gas off.Also, if someone is walking around my house setting things on fire, it's one thing to follow them around with a fire extinguisher putting out the things they set fire to. It's another thing to approach them like "Yo, dawg. I heard you like to set fires. Gimme the lighter."

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I do see your point Stephen. When you test have a look at which therapeutic approach works best, you will find that CBT is the gold standard of Cognitive Therapies. Behavioral Approaches however, reign supreme when it comes to speed and effectiveness. I think one of the reasons why this is the case is that they don't fall prey to the narrative fallacy. They tackle the problems directly.

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Despite the pulp like title this book offers a good introduction to new findings in scientific psychology.http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rip-It-Up-radically-approach/dp/1447236858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387053805&sr=8-1&keywords=rip+it+upA big number of experiments seems to indicate that a change of behaviour can change your mood more effectively than going on magical inner journeys.

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Despite the pulp like title this book offers a good introduction to new findings in scientific psychology.http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rip-It-Up-radically-approach/dp/1447236858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387053805&sr=8-1&keywords=rip+it+upA big number of experiments seems to indicate that a change of behaviour can change your mood more effectively than going on magical inner journeys.

Does that mean you won't go on a magical journey with me?

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