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Violence is funny when it's against men

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Happened upon this:http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c1cdfef3cf/iphone-murder-appsI like a lot of stuff on this site, but this is trash in my opinion. What we've got is an over the top portrayal of senseless and brutal violence, not delivered in the cleverest or most original way, being considered funny because it's by a (pretty, young) woman against a (supposed) man. I know it's tacky to state the obvious, but would this be considered funny if it were against any other group?  Only pointing this out because it features a hugely popular star and is featured on a hugely popular site.

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Happened upon this:http://www.funnyordie.comu/videos/c1cdfef3cf/iphone-murder-appsI like a lot of stuff on this site, but this is trash in my opinion. What we've got is an over the top portrayal of senseless and brutal violence, not delivered in the cleverest or most original way, being considered funny because it's by a (pretty, young) woman against a (supposed) man. I know it's tacky to state the obvious, but would this be considered funny if it were against any other group?  Only pointing this out because it features a hugely popular star and is featured on a hugely popular site.


Did anyone notice the color?  To be clear, it is not just men that there is open licence to trash on and mutilate in popular media, in particular it is white anglo men that are constantly in open season.  The narrative that it was the white patriarchy that was associated with all the worlds problems until now has been fed down our throats to the point that by association, the "class" of white Anglophone males must be evil and rightly deserve our scorn.  Pure ruling class media deflection.


This hypocrisy really has gone unchecked to the point where men en masse have just now began to check out of the mainstream.


Like I eluded to in some previous content, basically the only class of people that were never part of the ruling elites livestock herd across the entire world, and the all of history was basically white aristocratic women.  So naturally because they were afforded this exemption, all the white men in the socialism era must suffer constant denigration, you know, to make up for it.


My opinion is that people should have learnt something from how these spoiled white princesses were treated, in that everybody deserves to be treated with such distinction and not be considered disposable, regardless of class.  Instead of that, we (white men) have been demonized to the point where it is now common knowledge that it was always the white man "class" that was exempt from disposability and we should naturally relish the opportunity to  repent for "our" sins by constantly eating all of this societies shit pails of deflection.


I can hardly go out in public without acknowledging this expectation amongst people, and outside my elementary school years this has pretty much been the case.  Even then, in Kindergarten I had my face smashed into a Hasbrow miniature castle by one of my female classmates.  Now, before you start trying to somehow dismiss this story or deflect blame or whatever, I have no idea what that was about back then as it was quite some time ago and I could have very well instigated the disagreement.  I can however verify this story is real, I even know this girl (woman today) and she is very well to do and actually runs the local Buddhist community chapter. The purpose of my recalling it here is to communicate just how young this perception can be taught to children, and how deep this problem permeates.


King David

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