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Early Childhood Trauma and its Impact on Development


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So, I'm looking for book recommendations. I would appreciate it if you would share some books about early childhood development focusing on how adverse events shape the life of a child. As you might be able to guess, my childhood had a significant amount of traumatic events. I hope that reading about these things will trigger ancient feelings, and I'll be able to dig in deeper to things that I have little to no conscious memory of.


So, specifically, I'm looking for books that dive in depth about death, attachment, and socialization. I experienced the death of my twin sister when we were both four months old, and I can only begin to imagine how that shaped me. I'm looking for a more abstract understanding of how death shapes a child, so that I can examine my own life. During infancy, my mother dropped me off at my grandmother's house so that she would babysit me. I would end up being in daycare until I was in middle school. My parents never taught me how to interact with other people, as they would not interact with me very often. Usually, they would pay very intense attention to me in one moment, and then it would be as if I didn't exist the next. I was never taught how to interact with women that I found attractive, either. So, I guess I'm also looking for a book that talks about neglect.


Topics for the books:

-Death in the family and its affects on an infant/toddler

-Insecure attachment with polarized parenting (really intense attention followed by none at all)

-Interacting with others and developing relationships (friendships and romantic)






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Alice Miller is amazing. If you haven't checked her stuff out, then I'd really highly recommend it. Specifically Drama of the Gifted Child.


I just discovered 's work and he has some really good stuff on his website about these kinds of issues.


Good luck! And if you feel like sharing I'd be interested to listen, and I'm sure others would too.

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