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Black Hole Properties mentioned in the Quran


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With the name of God the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
The Quran swears by destruction of stars and the subsequent formation of black holes to prove it is sent by God. (In 53:1 An oath by the destruction of stars is taken, In 56:75-76 An oath by the enormity of this event is taken, In 81:15-18 Formation of black holes which form after the destruction of giant stars and the fact that matter and light cannot escape is mentioned) - Below are the specific ayaat:
53:1: By the star when it Hawa (destructs, blows up)
53:2: Has neither Dalla (gone astray), Your Companion (Muhammad Blessings and Peace of God be upon him) nor Ghawa (nor is being misled)
53:3: Nor does he speak from Hawa (emotion)
53:4: It is not but a Wahi (revelation, inspiration) Yuha (revealed, inspired)
56:75: Fa (So) La (No), uqsimu (I swear, I take an oath) by the mawaq'i (occurrences, events) of the Nujuum (stars)
56:76: And indeed, it is surely an oath - if you knew - Azeem (tremendous, A supernova is a tremendous event during which more energy may be released than the Sun will in its entire life span)
56:77: That (this) is indeed a recital Kareem (honorable, the Qur'an in Arabic).
56:78: In a Book kept Maknoon (hidden).
56:79: Which (that Book with God) none can touch but the Mutaharoon (purified, the angels, the book in which is pre-written everything that will occur)
56:80: (It is) a tanzeel (sending down of revelation) from the Lord of the Alameen (human beings and Jinn (another creation given the gift of speech))
56:81: Then is it to this statement that you are Mudhinoon (indifferent)
56:82: And make (the thanks) for your provision that you Tukaziboon (lie about the Provider)
56:83: Then why (do you) not, when (death) reaches the Hulqoom (throat)
56:84: And you are at that time Tanzuroon (looking on)
56:85: And we (angels) are nearer to him than you, but you do not Tubsiroon (see)
56:86: Then why (do you) not, if you are not to be Madineen (recompensed, punished or rewarded)
56:87: Bring it (the soul) back, if you are Sadiqeen (truthful?)
56:88: If (the deceased) was of the Muqarabeen (close to God, from the foremost in doing good works)
56:89: Then (for him is) rauh and rayhan and a garden of Naeem (pleasure)
56:90: And if he was of the Ashab Al-Yameen (people of the right) 
56:91: Then salam (safety from all bad things, paradise as well) for you, from the Ashab Al-Yameen.
56:92: But if he was from the Mukazibeen (liars and who were) Daaleen (astray, e.g. people with lots of money who didn't care about the starving)
56:93: Then (for him is) accommodation of Hameem (intensely hot scalding water)
56:94: And burning in Jaheem (intense Hellfire)
56:95: Verily, this! This is Haq-ul-Yaqeen (the Truth with certainty)
56:96: Fa sabbih (So declare free from faults) the name of your Lord, Al-Azeem (Tremendous)
81:15: Fa (So) La (No), uqsimu (I swear, I take an oath) by Khunnas (drawn together objects) (When a massive star destructs, it subsequently draws together i.e. 10 times the mass of the sun is drawn to within a 30 km diameter in the stellar category of black holes)
81:16: Those that run (their courses) and Kunnas (sweep whatever is in their path, matter cannot escape)
81:17: And the night as it us'us (the darkness of a black hole is different than regular darkness)
81:18: And the light as it Tanaffus (As it gets pulled in, even light cannot escape)
81:19: Verily, this is the Word (this Qur'an brought by) a messenger Kareem (honourable, Jibrael (Gabriel), from God to the last human messenger)
81:20: (Who is) possessed of power and with the Owner of the Arsh (uppermost construction in heaven), Makeen (secure in position),
81:21: Obeyed there (in the heavens) and Ameen (trustworthy)
81:22: And your companion is not (at all) Majnoon (mad)
81:23: And he has already seen him (Gabriel) in the horizon Mubeen (clear)
81:24: And he (the last messenger) is not with the unseen Daneen (a with-holder, concealer of knowledge)
81:25: And it (the Qur'an) is not the word of Satan, Rajeem (expelled from the heavens).
81:26: So where are you Tazhaboon (going?)
81:27: It (the Quran) is not except a remembrance for the Alameen
81:28: For whoever wills among you that (he or she) Yastaqeem (stay straight, do what is right and avoid straying from what is right)
81:29: And you will not, except (it be) that Allah wills - Lord of the Alameen.
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I was going to reply but I couldn't form my thoughts into words. Thank you for putting it so eloquently mike.


I do see vaguely how that could be describing a black hole, however, you can turn just about any religious text into whatever fits your needs at the moment. They are designed to do just that. Not to mention most (all?) Of the exerts do not relate to your theory.

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Eru ("The One"), also called Ilúvatar ("Father of All"), first created the Ainur, a group of eternal spirits or demiurges, called "the offspring of his thought". Ilúvatar brought the Ainur together and showed them a theme, from which he bade them make a great music. Melkor — whom Ilúvatar had given the "greatest power and knowledge" of all the Ainur — broke from the harmony of the music to develop his own song. Some Ainur joined him, while others continued to follow Ilúvatar, causing discord in the music. This happened thrice, with Eru Ilúvatar successfully overpowering his rebellious subordinate with a new theme each time. Ilúvatar then stopped the music and showed them a vision of Arda and its peoples. The vision disappeared after a while, and Ilúvatar offered the Ainur a chance to enter into Arda and govern over the new world.

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Black Holes exist because I said so.


- Book of Wesley (21:34)


Written 2014 B.C.


I win because my book said black holes exist first.


- Post of Wesley (entry346067)


Written 2014 A.D.




I wonder why Gods don't just come out with new editions of their holy books every few year or so. It seems much easier than to have their followers use ancient language to explain current knowledge. I mean I can understand that such an all knowing being can create a book that does not need revising but I can see that He/She also does not want to reveal too much detail in the texts that it would freak the people with information they are not yet ready to process..


For example:

In the 500BC edition it would read "In the beginning there was nothing and God created the heavens and the earth. separated the water from the sky" etc


In the 1550AC edition "In the beginning there was nothing and God created stars and a special start he called the Sun and he created the round earth.among other planets. separated the water from the sky using gravity" etc


In the 1930AC edition "In the beginning there was nothing and God created stars in clusters he called galaxies and a special start he called the Sun and he created the earth.among other 8 planets. separated the water from the sky using gravity" etc


In the 2006AC edition "In the beginning there was nothing and God created stars tha shine by nuclear fission grouped in clusters he called galaxies and a special start he called the Sun and he created the earth.among other 7 planets and other dwarf planets. separated the water from the sky using gravity" etc


I think this makes much more sense and does not diminishes the holiness of the holy texts at all, There's practically no difference in having someone 2000 years ago write the book by divine intervention than having people today revise it using the same divine intervention. In fact it would be a better idea since it will show the readers than the author is still interested in the subject matter.

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I would consider this to have better information for me than where the poster intended his link to go.



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A lot of religious texts are extremely vague so that way all sorts of meaning can be potentially extracted from it, that is the trick.  


Example from my own family:


When i talked to my own family about religion my parents pointed me to a bible verse (and for the life of me I can not find or remember it) that said, "God knows the mysteries of the universe at there most basic level."  and they tried to use that as to example of god creating particle physics and quantum mechanics.

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When i talked to my own family about religion my parents pointed me to a bible verse (and for the life of me I can not find or remember it) that said, "God knows the mysteries of the universe at there most basic level."  and they tried to use that as to example of god creating particle physics and quantum mechanics.

These points are always so tiring to me. I know a lot of things, but that doesn't mean I created any of them.


Not to mention that "the bible says so" is not exactly what I would consider proof. Proof requires the scientific method and testing and all that.

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Here's the debunking by Dave Gamble at:



"A Muslim has posted the following claim that is currently doing the rounds at the moment … (I've had to truncate the text a bit, it is too long to post it all) …


… the verse below may also be pointing to this scientific discovery about black holes:

When the stars are extinguished, (Qur'an, 77:8)

Moreover, stars of great mass also cause warps to be perceived in space. Black holes, however, do not just cause warps in space but also tear holes in it. That is why these collapsed stars are known as black holes. This fact may be referred to in the verse about stars, and this is another important item of information demonstrating that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah:

[i swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur'an, 86:1-3)

Sigh! … what can one say. It is of course the usual stuff, pluck some vague poetical phrase out of context, massage the words a bit, then crowbar in a claim about it describing modern science.

Was this an original claim? Nope, not at all, it came from here, the guy who posted the text simply cut and pasted (as usual) without any thought. Did he truly think it would impress? perhaps. Well, things have changed, no longer can individuals be conned so easily, If, for example, I key in “Quran black hole debunk”, the first hit is this YouTube rebuttal … (it is part of a  collection that debunks many of these “Miracles in the Quran” claims) …"


"It took me 30 seconds (or less) to find this debunking, and there are many other rebuttals out there, it is not alone.

What is clear is that the Internet is now very much becoming the marketplace for ideas and beliefs, stuff that would have been previously unchallenged is now robustly debunked, all you need is just one or two clicks and you have the answer, so when challenged with stuff like this, go and search to see what the other side is saying and become familiar with the full conversation.

So where does the claim from and who is it being propagated by?

Many of these modern variations of “Modern Science in the Quran” claims that I see cut and pasted come from individuals such as Harun Yahya (real name is Adnan Oktar) – also known as Adnan Hodja (Preacher Adnan) and, to his followers, Adnan Agabey (Big Brother Adnan). What is truly weird about his stuff is the cherry picking. We face claims that modern science is in the Quran, but at the same time we are advised that the parts of modern science that conflict with the belief are rejected, evolution for example. So who exactly is this guy?

If all this stuff has indeed been robustly debunked, then why does it persist? Mr Oktar will carry on because it is e$$entially a license to print money, and has made him very wealthy $elling the books and tapes to the guillable. As for the believers, the term that perhaps best describes it is “Confirmation Bias“, they have been successfully conned, in a world where previously cherished ideas are being challenged there is a rising tide of religious insecurity, hence the market for stuff like this that apparently confirms the original belief, and permits little things such as reality to be happily ignored. It is perhaps a worrying trend, and illustrates how some are retreating away from modern science back into religious dogma.

An interesting quote from Richard Dawkins on all this is found here …

After I give lectures, I am often approached by honest and sincere young Muslims who have been deluded into believing that important ideas of modern science were anticipated in the Koran or by Muslim ‘scholars'. I always ask them for examples, and the ones they produce are always pathetic testaments to the power of wishful thinking. – Richard Dawkins"

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Eru ("The One"), also called Ilúvatar ("Father of All"), first created the Ainur, a group of eternal spirits or demiurges, called "the offspring of his thought". Ilúvatar brought the Ainur together and showed them a theme, from which he bade them make a great music. Melkor — whom Ilúvatar had given the "greatest power and knowledge" of all the Ainur — broke from the harmony of the music to develop his own song. Some Ainur joined him, while others continued to follow Ilúvatar, causing discord in the music. This happened thrice, with Eru Ilúvatar successfully overpowering his rebellious subordinate with a new theme each time. Ilúvatar then stopped the music and showed them a vision of Arda and its peoples. The vision disappeared after a while, and Ilúvatar offered the Ainur a chance to enter into Arda and govern over the new world.


Ahhh yes. I love that book!

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