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my job interview and mastery of the inner critic!

The Wall

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Yes, im excited! Can you feel that beat?!


Anyhow, the inner critic, yip, there's an "Aristotealian mean".


Most people.I find have a disconnected relationship that continues all day, although that qas me for most of my life, im sure if youre a Nurse with clean needles, your not gonna infect your staff with dirty, broken ones, which is what mine has been the most, poisoned hy the toxins of my parents, and self-replicating throughout everywhere in myself. I stopped hitting myself in the face about four years ago. I think im finally confident enough (perhaps still wrong) to talk about this.


The inner critic is basically your own relationsgip to your vulnerabilites, problems, moral or virtuous transgressions, simple mistakes like tripping, to not brushing your teeth or running over a squirrel. Its very important for relationships. If you have a compact skateboard, with smooth edges and good traction, why would you use a broken one, and if someone threw a broken skateboard in yourpath, youd be irate, avoidant and knocked back a bit. This is the relqtionship between a heqlthy inner critic to somebody's unheqlthy one. So healthy is, to be horselike, or to be doing 65 on the highway. Not 40, or youre falling behind, 85, and your putting yourself and others in danger. You must be like a ropey feather, tightly looping your goal, with steady hands, medium gloves, and a tight, concentrated grip, pill that bucket of water! If you strain, squeeze, keep pushing, if your knees buckle, take a few, if you sweat, wipe it off if necessary. It is a give and take. I think worse than a soft, dejected, avoidant critique, which the person will then use emotional defenses, scape-goating, blaming, even self-lying. It is about avoiding their whip, and seeing everybody epse as bull trainers as well, except the red flag is in front of them after wvery mistqke they make! Theyre their own worst enemy! Say hi to your inner critic for me, lets embrace it and recover its smashed bits together!


Oh and wish me luck.on my job interview in 10 mins!

Sorry. Will ammend later.

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So how'd it go!? :)

Looked up the wrong address and ended up 40 minutes away from target! Hah, some times I miss simple, yet important information. I looked over the address so quickly thinking I knew it. It happens, right? Anyhow, we are rescheduling another date. Thanks for your intereat ! :)
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