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The first question I ever asked Stef


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This was 04/04/2010. Sometimes I can be pretty hard on myself and self attack for not being quite "where I want to be" or for making "so little progress." However, when I look at this it makes me feel a lot better about where I am now. If I were Stef I would have found this hilarious.

"If I had injured a wasp(because it had encroached my room) by hitting it with a sandal and then sprayed it with bug spray, even while it was incapable of moving (and admittedly found humor in that), would you say that was immoral? Would you think that was a mean thing to do? why? Is saying that it is something I ought not to have done the same thing as saying it is immoral?

Also, would it be erroneous to say that I 'tortured' the wasp or that the wasp 'suffered'? Or would those words be misplaced since it is subjective language, and we are talking about a wasp that doesn't feel 'pain' (it doesn't have nociceptors) as mammals do?"


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