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Moving on.


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Today i just got my first check from youtube. It wasn't much but it was something. 


I still haven't started my math Youtube channel, in fact my mic is on the way as we speak.

My last day of school is December 12, 2013. Im planning to work hard that month of winter break. 


I feel like flying away. I want to move out so bad. It turns out that my mom is also moving out in about a month or two, so Im in the hopes that my math youtube channel works out. 

As long as i can make some money by working on youtube and flipping burgers i will find the courage and the means to move out . 


I would drop out of school for some time until I get back on my feet. I realized that going to school isn't as important as my health and happiness. I made the decision to move out as soon as possible . 






I feel like I'm in a prison, a slave in my own room. 



(ps. i made the money off my personal channel)

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If you are young, there's nothing wrong with being poor for a while.  You're supposed to be.  Find a room in a house with other young folks and live pay check to pay check and own/consume almost nothing.  Learn how to work.


If you can provide value on YouTube, you probably have more marketable skills than flipping burgers.

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