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My travel intenerary warns me my insurance doesn't cover acts of god, OR GOVT


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"[company insurance] shall not be or become liable for any loss, cost, expense, injury, accident, or damage to person or property resulting directly or indirectly from (i)... (ii)...acts of God, dangers incident to the sea, fires, acts of government or other authorities, wars, acts of terrorism, civil unrest, strikes, riots, thefts, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines, other diseases, climatic aberrations..."


They're really covering their asses on that one.  I had to call and make sure that the last stipend wasn't actually referring to 'climactic aberrations', as weather and "dangers incident to sea" are already named, but no mention of death by mile high club initiation was touched on.  Does anyone read the small print?  It's actually pretty entertaining, and somewhat daunting to know that if cholera spreads on the plane im not covered. 

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