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Abuse and the mid-life crisis

Mike Fleming

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I was listening to a Stef Sunday show recently where he started to talking about people being abused and the body thinking it was going to die young and so not knowing where to go once it hits middle age.  This was then linked to the idea of the mid-life crisis.  Does anyone else have any thoughts about this?


I haven't thought about it a lot but straight away it rings true to me.  I hit my early 30's and just knew that drastic changes had to be made.  I think I knew it in my 20's but the urgency wasn't there.  I genuinely thought I had forever to solve the problems that I knew were there when I was in my 20's.


It wasn't the "buy a sports car" mid-life crisis but is it basically the same thing and the guys who buy the sports cars are just trying to deal with abusive pasts in a totally non-philosophical way?  


Did Stef buy a sports car?   :)

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I didn't hear the show you are referring to but I think I understand the idea. I would suspect this "crisis" can arise from multiple sources. If you are sensing a need to make drastic changes in your early thirties, I would think you have a pretty strong sense of direction and a good chance of achieving your goals. Most people drift through life and end up in their forties to realize not only that they are going to die someday, but that even if they wanted to make a major life change, they can't.

The "crisis" arises when no satisfactory alternatives are apparent, and in general, as we age we have fewer alternatives to choose from.

But back to the theory you mentioned, people operate at such wildly differing levels of consciousness. There are so many people out there who look like normal average folk, but have lives almost completely driven by a history that has never been consciously appreciated. Here, I can see that theory being relevant.

Hope my 0.000025 BTC helps

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