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How to Date A Syrian FOB?


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(FOB=fresh off boat).


I was a a college gathering chit chatting with different girls and one guy. In any case, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumb, that being this one Syrian girl. IDK how long she has been at the college, but it was the first time I saw her. In any case, she caught my eye. I only had an hour, so I did not talk with her, and she seemed quiet, with the exception of when the facillitators asked her a few questions. Anyways,  I seen her at the computer lab at school the next day, said hi, then sat down, did not pay attention as much, and she left. But after she left, her friends that sat next to her started giggling. IDK if that was good or bad. Anyways, went home added her, and when we chatted, she said hi, asked her about pre med, she said yeah, then I asked her about why she got into pre med, and never responded. Is it her shyness, or me?

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(FOB=fresh off boat).


I was a a college gathering chit chatting with different girls and one guy. In any case, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumb, that being this one Syrian girl. IDK how long she has been at the college, but it was the first time I saw her. In any case, she caught my eye. I only had an hour, so I did not talk with her, and she seemed quiet, with the exception of when the facillitators asked her a few questions. Anyways,  I seen her at the computer lab at school the next day, said hi, then sat down, did not pay attention as much, and she left. But after she left, her friends that sat next to her started giggling. IDK if that was good or bad. Anyways, went home added her, and when we chatted, she said hi, asked her about pre med, she said yeah, then I asked her about why she got into pre med, and never responded. Is it her shyness, or me?


Why do you want to date this girl?

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Well, she is cute, quiet, reserved, and I have had better luck dating foreigners. Idk why, but I like more traditional chicks, not that I don't like the others, I just fin dthem easier to relate to.


It doesn't sound like you have anything positive to say about any of her specific character traits or virtues.

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Well, she is cute, quiet, reserved, and I have had better luck dating foreigners. Idk why, but I like more traditional chicks, not that I don't like the others, I just fin dthem easier to relate to.


Got to say I was a little surprised by this response and agree with MMD. Given the rather lack lustre responses she has already given you to date (at least from what you have written). Why would you want to date her. Cute I get, but quiet and getting along better with foreigners? Those just don't make sense as reasons to like her.


Maybe she is shy or maybe she is being polite and engaging you for a little in an attempt to field you away from her, who knows. Either way, it doesn't sound like a great prospect for a date.

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If she ignores your facebook msg it is not a good sign. Just try three times in total, depending on the circumstance and let it go. Usually if I chat up a new girl I met on facebook and she doesn't have time to respond I leave her alone. Life is too short.


Usually a good initial facebook msg is this:

"Hey..., it was nice to meet you"


There is so much packed into this sentence that she will know you are interested. If she ignores you after this msg, just leave her alone.

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4 billion women on the planet and only 3 billion men. Odds are in your favor. Play the odds, go for quality. If you are superficial with women then you will attract women who will be superficial with you.

(Also, you'll drive away the good women who are looking for more. A woman knows if you're being superficial long before she can probably articulate it.)


As said before, life is too short. A woman who can blow your mind (and who's mind is blown by you) will never be short on words that form interesting ideas for you to chew on.

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