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What Right Does The Coalition Have in Telling Iran What to Do?


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What ever happened to self determination, that the UN Charter on Human Rights called a right? (No I am not saying the UN is so great, but it just put forth right already inherent to man). Does that mean squat? And why does the US get weapons, but Iran can't? Doesn't it seem odd that it is alright for India, Russia, China, among others, who could be argued are more of a threat to the US, to get a weapon, but Iran and North Korea can't? It just seem funny that everyone, including liberals, drink the kool aid. I have tried saying how would you like it if China or Russia invaded out country (demonstrating what the drone program is doing, but in an applicable example), or how would you like it if they bomb our country? They, in their patriotic fervor, obviously say that would be wrong. So why is it right for us to bomb their country, which obviously did nothing wrong? IDK anymore.

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Everyone knows the point of nuclear weapons is deterrence.


The saying has always been that we shouldn't fear the entity with many nuclear weapons as much as the entity with only one. The belief there being that they're more likely to use it. Additionally, there are international security concerns as many of these third world nations cannot boast the level of security that major nuclear powers have such as Russia, China, and the US. The concern there being that a well organized terrorist group, or a government takeover could compromise the security of nuclear weapons in less stable countries.


The reason why third world nations strive to have nuclear weapons is for sovereignty and respect through fear. Let's face it countries like the US meddle in places that we shouldn't disrupting foreign governments, toppling world leaders, killing innocent civilians; basically trying to force our belief system and way of life onto another group of people because we believe ourselves to be superior.


So a lot of it is about power and control. We don't want N. Korea or Iran to attain a nuclear weapon because then we can't fully bully them. Notice that the US doesn't bully Russia or China around and ironically enough we "beg" countries like China for money. Third world nations sees this and think the only way they can defend themselves against the US threat is to have nuclear weapons.


And how correct they are. When was the last time the US invaded a nuclear power?

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What ever happened to self determination, that the UN Charter on Human Rights called a right? (No I am not saying the UN is so great, but it just put forth right already inherent to man). Does that mean squat? And why does the US get weapons, but Iran can't? Doesn't it seem odd that it is alright for India, Russia, China, among others, who could be argued are more of a threat to the US, to get a weapon, but Iran and North Korea can't? It just seem funny that everyone, including liberals, drink the kool aid. I have tried saying how would you like it if China or Russia invaded out country (demonstrating what the drone program is doing, but in an applicable example), or how would you like it if they bomb our country? They, in their patriotic fervor, obviously say that would be wrong. So why is it right for us to bomb their country, which obviously did nothing wrong? IDK anymore.



Everyone knows the point of nuclear weapons is deterrence.


The saying has always been that we shouldn't fear the entity with many nuclear weapons as much as the entity with only one. The belief there being that they're more likely to use it. Additionally, there are international security concerns as many of these third world nations cannot boast the level of security that major nuclear powers have such as Russia, China, and the US. The concern there being that a well organized terrorist group, or a government takeover could compromise the security of nuclear weapons in less stable countries.


The reason why third world nations strive to have nuclear weapons is for sovereignty and respect through fear. Let's face it countries like the US meddle in places that we shouldn't disrupting foreign governments, toppling world leaders, killing innocent civilians; basically trying to force our belief system and way of life onto another group of people because we believe ourselves to be superior.


So a lot of it is about power and control. We don't want N. Korea or Iran to attain a nuclear weapon because then we can't fully bully them. Notice that the US doesn't bully Russia or China around and ironically enough we "beg" countries like China for money. Third world nations sees this and think the only way they can defend themselves against the US threat is to have nuclear weapons.


And how correct they are. When was the last time the US invaded a nuclear power?


Are "the US", "Iran", "China", "Russia", "North Korea", etc. real?  Are they people?


Why are you using "we" when speaking of the foreign policy carried out by key figures in the US "government"?


Not to be too annoying.  I'm still trying to catch myself when using collectivist language, although its use is almost required in order to avoid scrutiny when around people who buy into the status quo.

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Because as far as other countries are concerned there is no distinction. I don't think foreign countries would be relieved to know that, In the belly of the beast, doesn't align himself with his country's government.

Exactly. Plus people voted for these stooges (not suprisingly), and thus elected another necon.
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The US does NOT have the right to tell Iran what to do. Currently, we just have more weapons. Iran will get a nuke and then the US will bully La Republica Dominicana or Papua New Guinea. The US is the only state that has used a nuke, so that is the state I fear the most. We Americans go along with this because we think we're getting cheap oil out of the deal. Iran would be smart to stop selling the US oil.

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