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Pope Francis Calls Unfettered Capitalism 'A New Tyranny'


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VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis called for renewal of the Roman Catholic Church and attacked unfettered capitalism as "a new tyranny", urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff.
He also called on rich people to share their wealth. "Just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills," Francis wrote in the document issued on Tuesday.
"I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor."


And I guess this will be the next  "delicious sophistry rebutted"  :-)

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I shouldn't be too surprised. The Catholic Church is an organization predicated on population control.


When they're not busy trying to control people's genitals, they change targets and aim for our wallets.


They're masters at it. The whole advertising industry is just now catching up to the propaganda techniques that religions invented 5,000 years ago.

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I see it as another attempt to grow the church.  "Acceptance" of atheist and "acceptance" of homosexuality were only the beginning.  Why not cash in on those Occupy Protesters who are obviously pissed at the system.  The pope wishes to be more sympathetic to the "99%" then the government is.  I would argue that the "Occupy" emotion (people who are pissed at the illusion of capitalism) is widespread across the western world. Since western countries make up the Popes audience and since the governments are not meeting the emotional demands of the 99% the pope has a clear target.  With the new Pope, catholics who's faith is waning and are angry at "capitalists" will find themselves sympathetic to the church once again.

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I've been to the Vatican, and really, it doesn't look like there was much wealth sharing going on when that place was established.


In fact, compare all the grand cathedrals that were built throughout history and compare to the average person's living standards when they were made.


Not to mention I think the Vatican have a sizable stash in their own bank.


Oh, and religion's don't pay tax as far as I know.


Do as I say...

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Damn, I knew there was something wrong with the super pope... I just wasn't expecting it to be that he was a crazy wacked out socialist.



I shouldn't be too surprised. The Catholic Church is an organization predicated on population control.When they're not busy trying to control people's genitals, they change targets and aim for our wallets.They're masters at it. The whole advertising industry is just now catching up to the propaganda techniques that religions invented 5,000 years ago.


I see it as another attempt to grow the church.  "Acceptance" of atheist and "acceptance" of homosexuality were only the beginning.  Why not cash in on those Occupy Protesters who are obviously pissed at the system.  The pope wishes to be more sympathetic to the "99%" then the government is.  I would argue that the "Occupy" emotion (people who are pissed at the illusion of capitalism) is widespread across the western world. Since western countries make up the Popes audience and since the governments are not meeting the emotional demands of the 99% the pope has a clear target.  With the new Pope, catholics who's faith is waning and are angry at "capitalists" will find themselves sympathetic to the church once again.



Indeed, some of my thoughts as I was posting this - it's not even that I am surprised about it, you could kind of expect it from the institution.


But I am not sure if he is just playing on populism for "the pure" or is he truly convinced in what he said. I just have a feeling that he is earnest because his background, but on the other hand people around him, the whole "institution" of Catholic church clearly is playing on pure populism...  and there might be some psychology(pathology) behind it as well :)

I've been to the Vatican, and really, it doesn't look like there was much wealth sharing going on when that place was established.


In fact, compare all the grand cathedrals that were built throughout history and compare to the average person's living standards when they were made.


Not to mention I think the Vatican have a sizable stash in their own bank.


Oh, and religion's don't pay tax as far as I know.


Do as I say...



Some of the comments in that sense:There is no unfettered capitalism.

But, I suppose if your frame of reference is untaxed income from "donations" around the world, then, yes, fetters for other folks are looking pretty good.
Bring on the fetters.
We need more fetters.
His eminence seems to have mistaken the mixed economy prevalent in the western world for unfettered capitalism.
Aaand the winner: For this guy, central planning does not stop at "God".  :-D
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The Pope only says this kind of crap because he knows he can get away with it with little or no protest. In fact with an ever dwindling church going population, anything to get bums on seats again. Capitalists are all to blame of course, rather than men in strange dresses and hats spouting, scary fairy tales to little children.


Even bishops in England were complaining recently, that if they don't do something radical, the church of England would be extinct by the middle of the century. They are desperate and they know it.

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Ahh yes, he's speaking out against those who believe in the "absolute autonomy of the market".  So much less risky than speaking out against those with actual power.  The real corruption here is MORAL.  He isn't targeting the free marketeers because they're a problem but because that way he can look moral while not making any powerful enemies.  That's the key to successful moral putrescence, kicking the innocent when the guilty know they can cause problems for their accusers.   


But hey at least they cracked down on child abuse by priests - only 4 centuries after they became aware of it.  


I have a blog post on the subject of the Pope's economic "wisdom".



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 "we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills"
Sounds like structural violence to me. So, I guess, the pope is a Zeitgeister.




Now that I think about it, St. Peter's Basilica  does look a lot like a circular city....

:woot:  Ha ha ha ha, good one's  




This is inline with my current theory that all actions here on by the catholic church is to hold on to their last remaining foothold in latin america, and we now how socialist latin america is....its a last ditch attempt.

Yes, probably something like that. Someone wrote somewhere: he is doing neither good, or evil, he's just doing his job. Kind of true.


Or as Robert Murphy said:  I think the Pope should announce, "OK you economists, I'll stop talking about capitalism if you stop talking about religion."

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