tasmlab Posted November 26, 2013 Posted November 26, 2013 This is pretty brazen. Besides the plain ole' call for violence, they don't spend too much time wondering if part of this wealth is Wal-mart itself, operating capital, etc. Nor do they wonder if it would be a good idea to just squander that money in two minutes. Nor do they quite think through where poor people probably get a lot of their food and consumer goods. Check out the link. Some nicely prepared info graphics: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=8b226885dfe9c931726fc4c5e&id=91b359f93d&e=3d5f94a162
MooMoo Posted November 26, 2013 Posted November 26, 2013 Why do they go after a smaller target like the Waltons and not someone like the Rockafellers?
aeonicentity Posted November 26, 2013 Posted November 26, 2013 Holy shit... You know, what they don't say is this: If you stole all of the CEO of wal-mart's money, and gave it away to his employees they'd make a grand total of (wait for it!) $15-20 a YEAR raise! Same is true for mcdonalds. Actually, this is about standard CEO pay, you roughly make between $10 and $20 per employee per year. When you think about it in those terms, that man takes on the responsibility for medical, dental, pay, disability and pension benefits for all his employees AND the required work to satisfy share holders at the cool price of $20 a head. That's pretty damn cheep for that service. I'd pay someone $20 a year to manage all that shit for me.
Mike Fleming Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 The occupy movement has always been about wealth redistribution imo. It's ironic, because what they complain about with the banks is wealth redistribution via the Fed, bailouts and such. Their solution is not to say that wealth redistribution is wrong, that it is stealing. Rather, they say they want their cut of the loot, even advocating more stealing to make sure they get it. Which makes them no better fundamentally.
In the belly of the beast Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 Sounds like barefaced communism. This isn't a "Why does this problem exist, and how can the individuals affected by it find a solution which addresses the core causes?" approach to reality This is a "This problem exists because the bad man wants to screw us! Let's all tell Daddy so he can make the bad man suffer!" approach to reality.
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