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How has stefan used the same name for so long?


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If it was me, I'd probably not use the name given to me but make my own name. Is it irrational to think this way? I'm assuming Molyneux is a family name. I go by Naer now.Have trouble using my former name, use it to a minimum and try my best to detach myself from the name. Maybe I'm lacking the courage to reclaim the name. And conquer the irrationality, Thoughts?

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I could see some personal liabilities associated with his public persona.  Fame, at least it seems to me would be hell (I've even deleted my facebook account).


Especially with the contrarian views he advocates as well and criticisms of the media and government.


All the more to applaud in his righteous crusade to enlighten our dumbasses I guess, Tip of the hat Mr. Molyneux!


King David

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Stef has said a few times that he just acts like his life is public anyway. If people really wanted to they could find out who we all are. And with the NSA it appears they already do know who we all are.


If somebody finds me online from my personal life, then it could make for some awkward conversations, but I kind of like awkward conversations nowadays, lol :P


But I'm pretty open about my anarchistic tendencies with the people in my life so it's nothing too shocking.

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The OP can correct me if I misinterpreted. The question isn't around liability or spelling or anything like that.


I think it is around the idea that the name is a family name. That your parents gave you and the last name (in the US) specifically denotes that you came from a line of people and carry on the prestige of the family in that way.


When one may go through a defoo process or go through therapy to remake yourself, changing your name (especially the surname) may be desired.


Creating a name that you have a choice in that can define you could be an experience of defining the steps that you wish to take in your life or to separate from past traumas and traumatizers.


I have had this idea, myself where I would change my surname away from my family's name.


I still am considering this for the point where I get married where my wife and I both choose a new family name as a part of the marriage by which we want the marriage defined. Creating marriage where people still had family surnames or one family's surnames seems silly in a family that would be trying to break the cycles of their family especially.


Then there is the ambivalence as maybe it is more courageous to take hold of the name you have and make it yours as a sign of what your have conquered and to be your history and to still have come out as a new and healthy person.


Even if there is no emotion associated with "owning" your given name, it is an irrational waste of time to change the name as very few people nowadays associate the name with where you came from unless you are a Kennedy or something (at least in the US).


I think this would be an interesting discussion even if the OP didn't mean this, but that is how I interpreted the question.

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There was a Sunday show in which someone called in about changing his name and Stef gave his thoughts about it.


What are your feelings around your birth or given name? What are your feelings about the people who gave it to you, and called you by your name throughout your childhood? What personal identity do you associate with your name? Is it really who you are, or is it an identity given to you by family? Do you want to change your name in order hide from or reject FOO? If so, why is that important to you, and what do you hope to accomplish? If you feel fear, anger, disgust, sadness (or whatever you feel) around your given name, what information does these emotions provide? You may not be doing this, but in rejecting your given name, do you reject the pain of self-knowledge, your history, your emotions, and ultimately yourself? 


As always with self-knowledge, the question is not, "Is changing your name right or wrong," but "Why do you want to?"

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Do you want to change your name in order hide from or reject FOO? If so, why is that important to you, and what do you hope to accomplish?

It could be better to have easy contact in that case if they are the type to show up at your work or your house when they cannot contact you otherwise. And that would suck...

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