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Bitcoin is the latest fantasy object of utopian thinkers far and wide. Angry with the banks? It sidesteps them. Fed up with governments? They can’t regulate it. Annoyed by corporations? Bitcoin transcends them. Worried about fraud? Bitcoin uses the latest cryptography. Keen to make a buck (so to speak) by participating in a boom? Come on down and plug in...


Read more at: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/greening-the-media/201312/bitcoin-libertarian-dream-or-environmental-hazard


I was rather amused by the article, especially the part about pollution.


Bitcoin true believers are easily offended and very noisy. Watch as they pick up on any, all, and imagined, deliberate and accidental, mistakes in this column … and watch as Bitcoin comes to be recognized as a very standard capitalist innovation that was birthed and welcomed with zero regard for environmental despoliation.


This paragraph(last one in the article) made me laugh hard enough to cover my mouth. I wouldn't mind picking holes, but that would make me offensive, and noisy. Plus all the mistakes he made is just my over-the-top imagination.


From the same article:


Of course, existing nationally based currencies are also energy consumers, and are wasteful and averse to environmental accounting...


As a voluntary free-market currency, the bitcoin network will never consume more energy than the benefit that Bitcoin provides to its users. On the other hand, with a compulsory fiat currency there is no upper bound to the monetary or environmental costs of that system.

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