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Therapy Question


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Going to therapy once every other week.  This is all I can afford at the moment, but I get the feeling it could really benefit to go once a week.  Anyone going as often as twice a week?  At what point would you say you're not going often enough to get benefit and at what point would u be going too often to where you're wasting money?

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Going to therapy once every other week.  This is all I can afford at the moment, but I get the feeling it could really benefit to go once a week.  Anyone going as often as twice a week?  At what point would you say you're not going often enough to get benefit and at what point would u be going too often to where you're wasting money?

Before going into suggestion, I would like to prefess it by saying that, besides just going to therapy, there is a lot of personal work that is recommended.  reading books that help you understand yourself more deeply, as well as books that provide you with some tools for self work.  With that said.


I would say its very personal.  Here is what I mean. 


Feel like not going enough

1) Do you feel like there are things that you are getting stuck on, to the point where your mind gets jumbled and you need help?

2) What is your current state of mind, meaning are you at the end of the rope?

3) Do you have a deep anxiety or depression you can not shake ?


Feel like going too much

1) Do you come to your therapist having no issues to talk about?


And lastly, goign too much or too little, I hope you realize that its up to you to ask as to how frequent or less frequent of a help you need.  You can schedule as many sessions as you need and then scale it back, or ask for a sooner appointment if you need to.  The main question here is what do YOU need. 

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I luckily can afford twice weekly sessions (up from once a week and before that biweekly) and I've found it definitely worth the money and time.


Q: What point would you say you're not going often enough to get benefit?


A: I don't believe there is such a thing. Anything is better than nothing. As long as you are able to establish trust and you are able to talk about the things you want to work on.


In this case, I would be doing a lot more homework and getting feedback on the work you're doing outside of therapy, like Slavik said.


Q: At what point would u be going too often to where you're wasting money?


A: I don't really know. Some people go 3 or 4 times a week and find it worthwhile. Woody Allen has been doing something like that for most of his life.


Even if you have nothing to talk about right away, there's still things that pop up. I've had this happen multiple times where what came up was a pretty powerful experience for me.


I think as you get more into it you will get an increasingly better sense of what works for you personally. It seems you are already developing that sense based on the question.


Ultimately, I think the best determiner is how much you end up paying. Things are worth what people are willing to pay, right?

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I've been going twice per week for about six months, but I've also done every other week. There are a lot of factors that go into the decision of how many sessions I schedule per week, including financial, emotional, my present relationship with myself and with my therapist, life events, goals, etc. There is no objective sweet spot to how much therapy I seek. Maintaining a consistent commitment to growth in my relationship with myself is the most important factor. The means to that end ebb and flow.

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