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Finding a career, question


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Hi, Just recently, after starting self therapy as well as personal work, one question came up.  For the first time in my life I asked myself "what do I want!?"  So my question is, is there a book one can recommend to me that would help me answering this question, meaning that would help finding a career I want.  A goal that I can work towards.  A profession that I might like.  Any books on that?


Thank you very much, and hope you are all having a wonderful day :)

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I'm sure there is a book out there, but I wonder if you might already have the answer somewhere inside you.


What did you want to do for a living when you were growing up? Is there anything that you wanted to do but thought would be too difficult to learn or out of your reach? Are there people you envy in the work they do?


I was unemployed when I started doing work on myself and I asked myself the same question. Best case scenario, what would I love doing?


I had done beginner website design in high school and I really liked it and when I remembered that I realized just how badly I wanted to do it. I was under qualified for all the job postings that I saw, but I knew that I would like doing it if I could get a job in that field, so I practiced day and night in order to get my skills and experience up. I talked to and listened to people who had done what I wanted to do.


I ended up applying for a position I still wasn't qualified for, but had learned a lot about job interviewing skills and I impressed them enough that they created a position for me elsewhere.


Now I do web programming, building large online software projects and I love the crap out of it.


I saw something that I wanted really badly and I committed to putting one foot in front of the other until I got there (with a little luck).

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I'm sure there is a book out there, but I wonder if you might already have the answer somewhere inside you.


What did you want to do for a living when you were growing up? Is there anything that you wanted to do but thought would be too difficult to learn or out of your reach? Are there people you envy in the work they do?


I was unemployed when I started doing work on myself and I asked myself the same question. Best case scenario, what would I love doing?


I had done beginner website design in high school and I really liked it and when I remembered that I realized just how badly I wanted to do it. I was under qualified for all the job postings that I saw, but I knew that I would like doing it if I could get a job in that field, so I practiced day and night in order to get my skills and experience up. I talked to and listened to people who had done what I wanted to do.


I ended up applying for a position I still wasn't qualified for, but had learned a lot about job interviewing skills and I impressed them enough that they created a position for me elsewhere.


Now I do web programming, building large online software projects and I love the crap out of it.


I saw something that I wanted really badly and I committed to putting one foot in front of the other until I got there (with a little luck).

When I was growing up, I dont remember liking anything I did, everything was imposed on me.


The only thing I know so far, is that I really want to help people, I mean in the way that I know that they are being helped some meaningful way.  Not helping them pick out a trinket or what not, or choosing a product, done that never liked it, sometimes hated it.  I want to help deeply.  Im almost 34 and starting absolutely fresh, since everything I did was meaningless at best. 

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When I was growing up, I dont remember liking anything I did, everything was imposed on me.


The only thing I know so far, is that I really want to help people, I mean in the way that I know that they are being helped some meaningful way.  Not helping them pick out a trinket or what not, or choosing a product, done that never liked it, sometimes hated it.  I want to help deeply.  Im almost 34 and starting absolutely fresh, since everything I did was meaningless at best. 

Help people achieve what?

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