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Deja Vu


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     I'm not sure which sub-category this belongs in, but I suppose Self Knowledge will do.


     Ok, so I've had 4-5 of these experiences in my life and they leave me feeling absolutely mystified.  I had one again tonight.  I was reconfiguring my Mom's wireless network from my Stepdad's office, using my laptop, because Windows drives me nuts.  This is, to my recollection, the first time I've ever really sat down and used his office for anything, mostly because I never had a reason/need to.  Before tonight, the last Déjà vu experience I had was about a year ago at a bar I would visit from time to time.  I can't recall any others but I'm certain I've had them because each new one reminds me of the last. 


     I don't think I can describe it any better than Wikipedia, except to say I have the feeling in my bones.  Nothing can compare to it.  It's like I'm simply going about my life, and a cartoon charactor comes up and smacks me upside the head with a frying pan.  For a moment or two, everything ceases to exist as I'm entirely consumed with answering the question, "how the F*** is this possible?!"


     Does anyone else have any experience with this?  Is anyone aware of any possible theories explaining this phenemenon?  I'd rather not have to throw out everything I think I know about space and time :P

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only 4-5 in your life? I think I have more than that in a year :)I think the best theory explaining it is some neurological one, that simply states, that the information that comes in takes the wrong route through the brain and goes through the memory center thus creating the idea that what you experience live right now is actually a recollection of events. (Put in very simple and laymenish terms ofc, since I have not much knowledge about how the brain works in detail)

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